BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Artemis Anglo Scottish Cup and British Ski Academy Championshi ps \n*Provisional Programme*\n\nThe ASC will be held in Crevacol\, Italy\ , with three days of racing for Children racers born 2001 to 2008. U14/U1 6s will have 1 x giant slalom and 2 x slalom. Bairns (U10/U12) will have a stubby slalom\, combi and giant slalom. Prizes will be awarded for each day’s event and medals to 5th place for girls and boys in all four separ ate age categories: U10\, U12\, U14 and U16. \n\n**Tuesday 03 January** \ nU10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Bairns Slalom \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Sco ttish Giant Slalom Champs \n**Wednesday 04 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis An glo Scottish Bairns Combi \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Scottish Slalom Champs \n**Thursday 05 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Bairns Giant S lalom \nU14/U16 BSA Slalom Champs \n\n{FileLink16} \n\n**Year of birth Ca tegory** \n2001/02 U16 \n2003/04 U14 \n2005/06 U12 - Bairns \n2007/08 U10 – Bairns \n\nThe entry deadline was 15 December 2016\, and a late entry fee of £50 now applies. From 23 December please email UK office if enteri ng the ASC. \n##**Acceptance List at 28 December:** {FileLink55} \n\n{Fil eLink33}\n \n{FileLink41} \n\nNon BASS Registered Racers - British Snowsp orts Athlete’s Declaration form \nmust be signed by all non-registered ra cers and a parent/guardian. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170105 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20170103 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170103 LOCATION:Crevacol\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Scottish Cup 2017 UID:464e8415-d8d5-491a-8391-0d843d9d4403 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:{FileButton58} For start lists\, see [](http://gbski. com) \n\n20 March\, Monday - U10/U12 GS\, U14 Boys BASS GS\, U14 girls an d all U16/U18/U21 BASS Slalom\n21 March\, Tuesday - U10/U12 Stubby Slalom \, U14 Boys BASS Slalom\, U14 girls and all U16/U18/U21 BASS GS \n\nThis competition is a challenge to Schools in Britain* to compete for the **Ar temis Champion School Cup**. Juniors\, Children and U12/U10 can take part \, and the points system ensures that they all compete against each other . The races are open to individual entrants and are run under British com petition rules in order to qualify for British Alpine Seeding System (BAS S) national seedpoints. \n\nNon BASS Registers will require individual At hlete Declaration forms\, please return to Race Office either hardcopy or by email for printing. \n{FileButton41} \n\n*In the event that an intern ationally based school finishes ahead of all the British based schools in the results table then they will be awarded an international trophy\n\n{ FileLink49} \n\nEntry deadline 04 March 2017 \nLate entries will be consi dered\, email UK office on [](mailto:info@britskia\n\n\n**Insurance Links**\n\nCompetitors require full\, "Alpin e Ski Racing Insurance" for the days of the competition:\n\n[snowsporteng]( \nalso: \n[]( & \n[MPI Brokers ]( \n\n**Race Photographers**\n\n[Matt Birch Pictures]( \n[Race r Ready]( DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170321 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20170320 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170320 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis Interschool Ski Challenge 2017 UID:3575a858-40ef-48a1-9b73-666ef7975f6a URL: challenge-2017 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:#BOOKING RACE SUPPORT ONLY \n\n**Outdoor Series** \nPendle 30 April \nFirpark 03 June \nGloucester 24 June \nPontypool 01/02 July \n\n* *Indoor series** \nChill Factore 06\,07 May \nSnow Factor 17 June \nCastl eford 15/16 July \n\nBook Race Support with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter* * options.\n\nAs sponsors of the series\, besides providing the trophies\ , we are offering free and discounted training at our Slalom Camp in Norw ich this summer to the winners and runners-up across all categories\, als o free and reduced programme offers during the winter season in our base in Aosta. DTEND:20170715T230000Z DTSTAMP:20170429T230000Z DTSTART:20170429T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2017 UID:99fdbbc3-c34c-4871-9856-3b38ddea55ba URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Test Page only \n*Payments via WorldPay* DTEND:20170728T230000Z DTSTAMP:20170721T230000Z DTSTART:20170721T230000Z LOCATION:Test SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Summer Training Credit 2017 UID:cd3560bd-03d6-4446-8532-564f01415e51 URL: 017 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Artemis Anglo Scottish Cup and British Ski Academy Championshi ps\n\n# ENTRY is now Closed. \n {FileButton65} \n \nThe race list has lar gely been updated from the original acceptance list\, below\, and if you have not flagged changes please contact [Dominic](mailto:info@britskiacad \n\n{FileButton55} \n\n*Provisional Programme*\n\nThe ASC will b e held in **Crevacol** Italy\, open to competitors born 2002 to 2009\, wi th three days of racing for bairns and four days for U14/16. Bairns (U10/ U12) will have a stubby slalom\, combi and giant slalom\, The U14/U16s wi ll have 2 x giant slalom and 2 x slalom. Prizes will be awarded for each day’s event and medals awarded to 5th place for girls and boys in all cat egories: \n\n**Thursday 04 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Bai rns Giant Slalom \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Scottish Giant Slalom Champs \n* *Friday 05 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Bairns Combi \nU14/ U16 BSA Giant Slalom Champs \n**Saturday 06 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis A nglo Scottish Bairns Slalom \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Scottish Slalom Champ s \n**Sunday 07 January** \nU14/U16 BSA Slalom Champs \n\n{FileButton16} \n\n**Year of birth Category** \n2002/03 U16 \n2004/05 U14 \n2006/07 U12 - Bairns \n2008/09 U10 – Bairns \n\nNon BASS Registered Racers - British Snowsports Athlete’s Declaration form are included in the online booking system\, otherwise these must be signed by all non-registered racers and a parent/guardian. \n{FileButton41} \n\n**Entry Fees:** \nU14/U16: £170 o r £50 per day \nU12/U10: £130 or £50 per day\n\nThe entry deadline is Thu rsday\, 14 December 2017\, late entry - confirmed with race office - carr ies an additional fee of £50. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180107 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20180104 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180104 LOCATION:Pila/Crevacol\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Scottish Cup 2018 UID:89c2f2ea-44cd-426e-8b60-bc3e38768e2b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:{FileButton66} \n\n{FileButton57} \n\n{FileButton49} \n\n**05 March\, Monday** - U10/U12 GS\, U14 Boys BASS GS\, U14 girls and all U16/ U18/U21 BASS Slalom \n**06 March\, Tuesday** - U10/U12 Stubby Slalom\, U1 4 Boys BASS Slalom\, U14 girls and all U16/U18/U21 BASS GS \n\nThis compe tition is a challenge to Schools in Britain* to compete for the **Artemis Champion School Cup**. Juniors\, Children and U12/U10 can take part\, an d the points system ensures that they all compete against each other. The races are open to individual entrants and are run under British competit ion rules in order to qualify for British Alpine Seeding System (BASS) na tional seedpoints. \n\n**Non BASS Registered racers** Athlete Declaration s are confirmed with online entry. For entries by cheque or transfer\, ie . directly with the BSA please contact the Race Office\, see preliminary information above or {PageLink5}: we will require either hardcopy or by e mail for printing. \n{FileButton41} \n\n*In the event that an internation ally based school finishes ahead of all the British based schools in the results table then they will be awarded an international trophy\n\n**Entr y deadline 17 February 2018**\nLate entries will be considered\, please e mail UK office on []( k)\n\n**Insurance Links**\n\nCompetitors require full\, "Alpine Ski Racin g Insurance" for the days of the competition:\n\n[snowsportenglandinsuran]( \nalso: \n[http://www.]( & \n[MPI Brokers](https://w \n\n**Race Photographers**\n\n[Matt Birch Pictures](h ttp:// \n[Racer Ready](ht tp:// DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180306 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20180305 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180305 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis Interschool Ski Challenge 2018 UID:214c0781-7b06-43b1-870e-2d02a35a9880 URL: challenge-2018 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# PRE-RACE TRAINING AND RACE SUPPORT \n\nIf not listed below\, further PRE-RACE (not Braehead) Training details will be put online as t hey come available: \n\n**05/06 May\, Stoke** \nGate training from 18:00 to 19:15. Pay at reception for liftpass £8. Pay BSA £10 for training. 06 May\, Stoke Race support with coaches Fraser\, Hope and Malcolm. \n## ONL INE BOOKING ##\n\n**11 May\, Chill Factore** (Manchester) \nPre-race trai ning with Natalia Pruska and Laurie Taylor joining Fraser\, Hope and Malc olm (1/3 of slope roped off for training) \n*4.00pm-6.00pm\, Stubbies \n6 .30pm-8.30pm\, Full Gates* \n**12/13 May** Chill Factore (Manchester)\, R ace Support \n\n**02/03 June\, Hillend** (Edinburgh)\, Race Support\, wit h Alain Baxter joining Fraser\, Hope and Malcolm \n\n**16/17 June\, Glasg ow** (Braehead)\, Race Support \n\n\n**29 June\, Pontypool** Gate Trainin g\, including lift pass \n*19.00 to 21.00 Pre-race training open to all* \n**30 June/01 July\, Pontypool** Race Support \n **PONTYPOOL ONLINE BOOK ING CLOSED** - Spaces available\, Pay Malcolm at slope \n\n**07 July\, Ch atham** Gate Training\, including lift pass \n*16.00 to 18.00 Pre-race tr aining open to all* \n**08 July\, Chatham** Race Support\n\n \n**13 July\ , Chill Factore** (Manchester) Pre-race training \n*4.00pm-6.00pm\, Stubb ies \n6.30pm-8.30pm\, Full Gates* \n**14/15 July\, Chill Factore** (Manch ester) Race Support\, with onward travel to the glacier Long Camp\, L2A. \n\nBook Training Race Support with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** option s.\n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, besides providing the trophies\, we are of fering free and discounted training at our Slalom Camp in Pembrey this su mmer to the winners and runners-up across all categories\, and prizes inc lude free and reduced programme offers during the winter season at our ba se in Aosta. DTEND:20180714T230000Z DTSTAMP:20180504T230000Z DTSTART:20180504T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2018 UID:61365749-97ec-4a31-94aa-f5c60dcdc744 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:#All England Champs \n\n**Race Support Only** \nSunderland\, S aturday 25 August\, £30\n\n#Welsh Champs \n\n**Race Training** \nPontypoo l\, Friday 07 September \n18:00 to 20:00 - including lift pass\, £30. \nG ate training with coaching from GB number 2 Laurie Taylor\, and the two t op-ranked British ladies on dry slopes\, Lauren Vale and Nicole Shering a nd former top ranked dry slope racer Malcolm Erskine. We have exclusive u se of the slope at this time. \n\n**Race Support** \nPontypool\, Saturday 08 September\, £30\nRace support with Lauren\, Nicole and Malcolm \n\nBo ok with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** options\, and for each session/eve nt: "JOIN RACE" DTEND:20180907T230000Z DTSTAMP:20180824T230000Z DTSTART:20180824T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:All England and Welsh Champs (Artificial Slopes) 2018 UID:53f9519b-e409-4db1-a416-44eb1b6c4c68 URL: amps-artificial-slopes-2018 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# #\n**Intermediate to advanced racers age 7 to 17** \n((under eights see note on Skywalk ) -:) \n\n## 10.15 - 16.45 each day \n\n** Te chnical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditi oning * Water Wars**\n\nCourse fee £230 \nCourse fee + equipment rental £ 245\n\n## Book early to beat the rush and finish the Summer holidays with a boost to your ski racing standard. \n\n\n**Skywalk and Water Wars incl uded** \n*nb. The Skywalk Adventure is an obstacle course high above grou nd\, those participating must be 1.3metres+ tall\, and 8 years old or old er.*\n\nEnhanced facilities at Esher's historic ski centre!\n\nBring pack ed lunch or lunch money\n\nMaximum 30 participants DTEND:20180829T230000Z DTSTAMP:20180827T230000Z DTSTART:20180827T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Ski Centre\, Esher SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Slalom Camp\, August UID:ad37cdd8-bd57-45fb-a64e-76a8ce381cbe URL: st END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Artemis Anglo Scottish Cup Championships\nwith training and ev ents in Crevacol on 3 days preceding.\n\n*Provisional Programme* \n\nThe ASC will be held in **Pila** Italy\, open to competitors born 2001 to 201 0\, Bairns (U10/U12) will have a stubby slalom\, combi event and giant sl alom\, The U14/U16/U18s will have slalom\, GS and Super G. Prizes will be awarded for each day’s event and medals awarded to 5th place for girls a nd boys in all categories: \n\n**Sunday 06 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis An glo Scottish Bairns Slalom \nU14/U16/U18 Artemis Anglo Scottish Slalom \n **Monday 07 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Giant Slalom \nU14 /U16/U18 Artemis Anglo Scottish Giant Slalom \n**Tuesday 08 January** \nU 10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Combi Event \nU14/U16/U18 Artemis Anglo Sco ttish Super G\n\n *PDF 2019 ASC Preliminary Information to follow.* \n\n* *Year of birth Category** \n2001/02 U18 \n2003/04 U16 \n2005/06 U14 \n200 7/08 U12 - Bairns \n2009/10 U10 – Bairns \n\nBASS registration compulsory for Over 12 Racers. \nNon BASS Registered Racers - British Snowsports At hlete’s Declaration form are included in the online booking system\, othe rwise these must be signed by all non-registered racers and a parent/guar dian. \n{FileButton41} \n\n**Entry Fees:** \nU14/U16/U18: £150 \nU12/U10: £130\n\nThe entry deadline is Friday\, 14 December 2018\, late entry - c onfirmed with race office - carries an additional fee of £50. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190108 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20190106 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190106 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis Anglo Scottish Cup 2019 UID:fb7a2782-e04e-45c0-ba1f-0e67b3c0ec45 URL: up-2019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**16 March\, Saturday** - Free access to Pila gate training \n **17 March\, Sunday** - Free access to Pila gate training \n \n**18 March \, Monday** - U10/U12 Slalom\, U21/U18/U16/14 BASS Slalom \n**19 March\, Tuesday** - U10/U12 GS\, U21/U18/U16/14 BASS GS \n\nThis competition is a challenge to Schools in Britain* to compete for the **Artemis Champion S chool Cup**. Juniors\, Children and U12/U10 can take part\, and the point s system ensures that they all compete against each other. The races are open to individual entrants and are run under British competition rules i n order to qualify for British Alpine Seeding System (BASS) national seed points. \n{FileButton49} \n\n \n**Non BASS Registered racers** Athlete De clarations are confirmed with online entry. For entries by cheque or tran sfer\, ie. directly to the BSA please contact the Race Office\, see preli minary information above or {PageLink5}: we will require either hardcopy or by email for printing. \n{FileButton41} \n\n*In the event that an inte rnationally based school finishes ahead of all the British based schools in the results table then they will be awarded an international trophy\n\ n**Entry deadline 24 February 2019**\nLate entries will be considered\, p lease email UK office on [](mailto:info@britskiaca\n\n**Insurance Links**\n\nCompetitors require full\, "Alpine Sk i Racing Insurance" for the days of the competition:\n\n[snowsportengland]( \nalso: \n[http ://]( & \n[MPI Brokers](ht tps:// \n\n**Race Photographers**\n\n[Matt Birch Pict ures]( \n[Racer Re ady]( DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190319 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20190318 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190318 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis British Interschool Ski Challenge 2019 UID:6ae23259-28ad-43fa-8fef-bfc506409e6c URL: ool-ski-challenge-2019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# PRE-RACE TRAINING #\n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING ##\n\n**10 May\, Chill Factore** (Manchester) \n\n7 - 9 P.M. Pre-race training with BSA Co aches (1/2 of slope roped off for training) \nBoth Stubby and Tall gates courses available\n\n \n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training with the BSA\, via **S elect/Enter** options.\n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, besides providing the trophies\, we are offering discounted training at our Slalom Camp in Norf olk this summer to the winners and two runners-up across all categories i n individual events. To the top three Series winners in each category fro m U10 - U18\, we are offering a bursary discount to be used during specif ic dates in our Winter 2020 season at our camp in Aosta\, Italy. DTEND:20190510T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190509T230000Z DTSTART:20190509T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2019 10th May Pre Race Training UID:71293b96-448b-4e0a-a301-bba670823706 URL: -may-pre-race-training END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# PRE-RACE TRAINING AND RACE SUPPORT \n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING # #\n\n**10 May\, Pre race training at Chill Factore** (Manchester) \n\n7 - 9 P.M. Pre-race training with BSA Coaches (1/3 of slope roped off for tr aining) \n\n **Race Support for both days of racing on 11th and 12th May* * \n\nPackage Price £120\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training/Race Support wit h the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** options.\n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, bes ides providing the trophies\, we are offering discounted training at our Slalom Camp in Norfolk this summer to the winners and two runners-up acro ss all categories in individual events. To the top three Series winners i n each category from U10 - U18\, we are offering a bursary discount to be used during specific dates in our Winter 2020 season at our camp in Aost a\, Italy. DTEND:20190511T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190509T230000Z DTSTART:20190509T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2019 Pre-Race Training and Race Support Package 10- 12 May UID:7a99dbe9-1248-4ab1-b1eb-df84f6352fcc URL: race-training-and-race-support-package-10-12-may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# RACE SUPPORT \n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING ##\n\n**11 - 12 May** * *Chill Factore** (Manchester)\, Race Support for GBR Series\n\n£80\n\n\n\ n\n\n \n\nBook Race Support with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** options.\ n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, besides providing the trophies\, we are offer ing discounted training at our Slalom Camp in Norfolk this summer to the winners and two runners-up across all categories in individual events. To the top three Series winners in each category from U10 - U18\, we are of fering a bursary discount to be used during specific dates in our Winter 2020 season at our camp in Aosta\, Italy. DTEND:20190511T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190510T230000Z DTSTART:20190510T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2019 Race Support at Chill Factor 11 and 12th May 2019 UID:be4503f7-079f-419a-a44f-d8cfa2f6ff14 URL: -support-at-chill-factor-11-and-12th-may-2019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# RACE SUPPORT \n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING ##\n\n**11 - 12 May** * *Chill Factore** (Manchester)\, Race Support for GBR Series\n\n£80\n\n\n\ n\n\n \n\nBook Race Support with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** options.\ n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, besides providing the trophies\, we are offer ing discounted training at our Slalom Camp in Norfolk this summer to the winners and two runners-up across all categories in individual events. To the top three Series winners in each category from U10 - U18\, we are of fering a bursary discount to be used during specific dates in our Winter 2020 season at our camp in Aosta\, Italy. DTEND:20190511T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190510T230000Z DTSTART:20190510T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2019 Race Support at Chill Factor 11 and 12th May 2019 (copy) UID:96946f45-cb21-4396-9531-67ceb3db5890 URL: -support-at-chill-factor-11-and-12th-may-2019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Landgraaf BASS Races** \n\n**Package is available to trainee s aged 10 and over. Please complete and submit a BSA 2019/20 Registration Form \n for approval to join the camp. Should your application not be su ccesful\, a full refund of any monies paid will be made.** {FileButton60} \n \n \nWe will be departing from the UK by minibus on 24th May in the af ternoon (pickup location on the M25 at a convenient point to be decided). We will be staying near to Landgraaf and then training at Snow world on Saturday 25th May\, with race support for Sunday 26th and Monday 27th May . On Tuesday our coaches will be providing a fitness and conditioning pro gramme to support ongoing training over the summer. We will then return t o the UK in the evening on 28th May.\n \n Cost includes accommodation fro m arrival on 24th to departure on 28th\, meals\, transport to and from th e UK\, access to Snowworld and full coaching. *Race entry is not included .* DTEND:20190527T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190523T230000Z DTSTART:20190523T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Landgraaf BASS Race Package 24-28th May UID:f47a75c6-846b-4589-83bf-f68e51011028 URL: age-24-28th-may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support for Landgraaf BASS Races 26th - 27th May £150\n\n \n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** options . DTEND:20190526T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190525T230000Z DTSTART:20190525T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Landgraaf BASS Race Support 26th - 27th May UID:e9efb83f-342f-42b2-ba67-8da6e963ff30 URL: ort-26th-27th-may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support for Landgraaf BASS Races 26th - 27th May £150\n\n \n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training with the BSA\, via **Select/Enter** options . DTEND:20190526T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190525T230000Z DTSTART:20190525T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Landgraaf BASS Race Support 26th - 27th May (copy) UID:5a7e0590-84bf-468f-86bf-c0dc3fc70f97 URL: ort-26th-27th-may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Lowlands Championships 24th - 29th September** \n\n\nWe will be travelling to Landgraaf\, by minibus\, for the Lowland Championships (BASS eligible)\, departing from Cobham Services on the M25 on the aftern oon of 24th September. Race training on the indoor snow courses and gym s essions will take place on 25th\, 26th and 27th in preparation for the ra ces on 28th and 29th. After the conclusion of the races on the 29th\, we will head back to the UK.\n\nAs well as offering the full residential pro gramme detailed above\, we are able to provide an outlier option\, for an y of the time that we are there\, or race support only. The daily rate (l unch and slope fees not included) is £70 per day. Please contact Tracy on 01473 601222\, or email \n\n***N.B. Fees for re sidential\, live-out or race support options do not include race entry an d you must do this yourself (see Race Invitation Bulletin for more inform ation and entry deadlines).*** \n\nRace Invitation bulletin:\n\n[(https:/ / ships.pdf)]( 0Lowland%20Championships.pdf)\n\nIf you haven't already done so\, you wil l also need to complete and submit a registration form before we can comm it to accepting your request to join the camp. Should your application be unsuccessful\, all monies paid will be refunded. \n\nRegistration Form L ink: \n\n[ fff46e3ccd/bsa-registration-pack]( s/273054d07bf282386306d0fff46e3ccd/bsa-registration-pack) DTEND:20190919T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190618T230000Z DTSTART:20190618T230000Z LOCATION:Landgraaf\, Holland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Lowlands Championships 24th - 29th September UID:6e7cd8b3-b9e7-468a-b84c-4aaf2cedfd77 URL: 4th-29th-september END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# PRE-RACE TRAINING #\n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING ##\n **Friday Jun e 28th - Pontypool** \n\n7 - 9 P.M. Pre-race training with BSA Coaches (i nc. pass).\n\n \n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training with the BSA\, via **Select/E nter** options.\n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, besides providing the trophie s\, we are offering half price training at our Slalom Camp in Norfolk thi s summer to the winners in each age category for individual events. To th e top three Series winners in each category from U10 - U18\, we are offer ing a bursary discount to be used during specific dates in our Winter 202 0 season at our camp in Aosta\, Italy. DTEND:20190628T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190627T230000Z DTSTART:20190627T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2019 Pontypool 28th June Pre-Race Training UID:807b97dd-80dc-4410-81e9-02ceb1d4f7f5 URL: ypool-28th-june-pre-race-training END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Wittenburg FIS Race Training** \n\n**Package is available to trainees who are FIS age. Please complete and submit a BSA 2019/20 Regis tration Form \n for approval to join the camp. Should your application no t be successful\, a full refund of any monies paid will be made.** {FileB utton60}\n \n Flying into Hamburg on the 2nd July (Coach available to acc ompany flights from Edinburgh for Under 16's - Contact Tracy for details) We will be staying at the Wittenburg-Hamburg resort . Training on 3-6th July inclusive\, returning to the UK on 7th July. \n \n Price includes ac commodation\, transfer from/to Hamburg airport\, coaching\, slope fees et c. ***Does not include flights***.\n It is possible to arrange for a tran sfer to our Landgraaf camp starting on the afternoon of 7th July - please speak/email Tracy on 01473 601222\, if this is something you would like to arrange\, as places are limited. DTEND:20190706T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190701T230000Z DTSTART:20190701T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Wittenburg FIS Race Camp 2nd - 7th July UID:09fef987-abec-41a0-a8ae-bb64d1d20da3 URL: -2nd-7th-july END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# PRE-RACE TRAINING #\n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING ##\n **Friday Jul y 5th - Gloucester** \n\n7 - 9 P.M. Pre-race training with BSA Coaches (i nc. pass).\n\n \n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training with the BSA\, via **Select/E nter** options.\n\nAs GBR Series sponsors\, besides providing the trophie s\, we are offering half price training at our Slalom Camp in Norfolk thi s summer to the winners in each age category for individual events. To th e top three Series winners in each category from U10 - U18\, we are offer ing a bursary discount to be used during specific dates in our Winter 202 0 season at our camp in Aosta\, Italy. DTEND:20190705T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190704T230000Z DTSTART:20190704T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA GBR Series 2019 Gloucester 5th July Pre-Race Training UID:bfb2f270-f7d3-4f5d-8261-a6a3fbf81b89 URL: cester-5th-july-pre-race-training END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Landgraaf Slalom Race Training** \n\n**Package is available to trainees aged 10 and over. Please complete and submit a BSA 2019/20 Re gistration Form \n for approval to join the camp. Should your application not be succesful\, a full refund of any monies paid will be made.** {Fil eButton60}\n \n We will be departing from the UK by minibus on 7th July i n the afternoon (pickup location on the M25 at a convenient point to be d ecided). We will be staying at the Snowworld Resort in Landgraaf and then training at Snow world on Monday through to morning of Thursday 11th Jul y\, before departing to arrive back in the UK on Thursday afternoon. \n C ost includes accommodation from arrival on 7th to departure on 11th\, mea ls\, transport to and from the UK\, access to Snowworld and full coaching . \n \n For an additional cost (and only a limited number)\, direct trans fer from Landgraaf to our glacier camp in Saas Fee is possible. Please em ail if you would like to arrange this. DTEND:20190710T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190706T230000Z DTSTART:20190706T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Landgraaf Slalom Race Camp 7th - 11th July UID:834c51bf-9b1a-4a0a-81f1-aa5fb7d4d30e URL: mp-7th-11th-july END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Landgraaf Slalom Race Training** \n\n**Package is available to trainees aged 10 and over. Please complete and submit a BSA 2019/20 Re gistration Form \n for approval to join the camp. Should your application not be succesful\, a full refund of any monies paid will be made.** {Fil eButton60}\n \n We will be departing from the UK by minibus on 4th August in the afternoon (pickup location on the M25 at a convenient point to be decided). We will be staying at the Snowworld Resort in Landgraaf and th en training at Snow world on Monday through to morning of Thursday 8th Au gust\, before departing to arrive back in the UK on Thursday afternoon. \ n Cost includes accommodation from arrival on 4th to departure on 8th\, m eals\, transport to and from the UK\, access to Snowworld and full coachi ng. DTEND:20190807T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190803T230000Z DTSTART:20190803T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Landgraaf Slalom Race Camp 4th - 8th August UID:031eae54-a15c-46ea-963c-f77a903f18a0 URL: mp-4th-8th-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# PRE-RACE TRAINING #\n\n\n## ONLINE BOOKING ##\n\n** Friday 9 th August\, Chill Factore** (Manchester) \n\n7 - 9 P.M. Pre-race training with BSA Coaches (1/2 of slope roped off for training) \nBoth Stubby and Tall gates courses available\n\n \n\n\n\n\n \n\nBook Training with the B SA\, via **Select/Enter** options. DTEND:20190809T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190808T230000Z DTSTART:20190808T230000Z LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY: 9th August 19.00 - 21.00\, Chill Factore\, Manchester UID:455468a9-9a97-4708-a368-3818648ed49d URL: ll-factore-manchester END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We will be running the ever popular Pembrey race camp again th is August. We are offering a 3 day programme that runs from 0930 to 1600\ , Sunday 18th to Tuesday 20th August. \n\nThis BSA camp is a great opport unity to improve or fine-tune your racing technique\, ski fitness and rac e strategy. The trainees change activity on a regular basis and competiti ons are held every afternoon. Top up your training with our expert coache s before the holidays end. Learn new skills and make new friends.\n\n**Pr ice: £180 for the 3 day camp** \n**Enter your racers and pay online at ri ght panel** Select option and "Join Race" \n\nPembrey Ski Centre \nPembre y Country Park\, \nLlanelli \nSA16 0EJ\n\nHome of the West Wales Ski Club \, Pembrey ski centre is located in a beautiful park (with caravan facili ties) on the Carmarthenshire coast. With sandy beaches close by the\, pro gramme can be described as "Ski\, Ski\, Jump in the Sea!" We expect some of the trainees will be bringing their mountains bikes\, and some will pr obably be camping out. Contact us if more information is required: [tracy]( DTEND:20190819T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190817T230000Z DTSTART:20190817T230000Z LOCATION:Pembrey Ski Centre\, Llanelli SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pembrey Slalom Camp\, August 2019 UID:5c1afa73-c587-43e0-90d1-6579ed124c08 URL: st-2019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We are offering a five day training camp from Monday 26th to F riday 30th August in Norfolk leading up to the All England Championships on Saturday 31st.\n\n***N.B. Race Entry is NOT included*** \n\nWe have se veral options available as detailed below:\n\n**Full Residential Package (very limited numbers) :** \n\nResidential with training from Monday 26th to Friday 30th August and Race Support on Saturday for the All England C hamps - £650\n\n**Full Training and Race Support (live out ):**\n\nTraini ng/Race Support only from Monday 26th to Saturday 31st - £300 \nTraining only Monday to Friday - £260 \nTraining only per day Monday to Thursday - £60 \nTraining only Friday - £80 \nRace Support only on Saturday 31st - £40 DTEND:20190830T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190825T230000Z DTSTART:20190825T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Dry Ski Slope SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk 5 Day Training Camp and All England Race Support UID:a55adadd-c681-419e-b9a3-d9a58b189517 URL: amp-and-all-england-race-support END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 3 day camp\, 02 - 04 September 2019 #\n**Intermediate to adv anced racers age 7 to 17** \n((under eights see note on Skywalk ) -:) \n\ n## 10.00 - 16.30 each day \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video ana lysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * Water Wars**\n\nCourse fee £2 40 \n\n\n## Book early to beat the rush and finish the Summer holidays wi th a boost to your ski racing standard. \n\n\n**Skywalk and Water Wars in cluded** \n*nb. The Skywalk Adventure is an obstacle course high above gr ound\, those participating must be 1.3metres+ tall\, and 8 years old or o lder.*\n\nEnhanced facilities at Esher's historic ski centre!\n\nBring pa cked lunch or lunch money\n\nMaximum 30 participants DTEND:20190903T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190901T230000Z DTSTART:20190901T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Ski Centre\, Esher SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Slalom Camp\, September 2019 UID:2711fa7e-8942-43dd-a290-5c59d6592552 URL: ember-2019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Race Support for the Anglo Scottish Races**\n\nN.B. This is for race support only and does NOT include race entry or lift tickets. Pl ease select 'Artemis Anglo Scottish Championships 2020' to enter the race s.\n\n\nRace support on 5th and 6th for U10/U12 is £120.\nRace Support on 5th\, 6th and 7th January for U14/U16 is £180 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200107 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20200105 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200105 LOCATION:UK Outdoor & Indoor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis Anglo Scottish Race Support 5th-7th January UID:e81c4686-2c9a-4b14-8705-565d350e246f URL: ace-support-5th-7th-january END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Artemis Anglo Scottish Championships 2020**\n\nThe British S ki Academy will again host the Artemis Anglo Scottish Championships in PI LA\, Italy. These races are open to competitors born 2004 to 2011. Bairns (U10/U12) will have a stubby slalom and a giant slalom. The U14/U16s wil l have a Slalom\, GS and two Super G races\, to count for national seedpo ints (BASS). \nPrizes will be awarded for each day’s events and medals aw arded to 5th place for girls and boys in all categories. We are delighted that Snowsport Scotland will be hosting a series of FIS races to run con currently in Pila. This means that all Over 16 racers can enter British-r un races to count for both BASS and FIS seeding. See for entry details.\n\n There will be a FIS GS on 05 January\, Slalom races on both 06 and 07 January and a SuperG on 08 January.\n \nPila is a family friend ly resort with an excellent record in hosting international ski races. Ac commodation in resort is limited but there is easy uplift via the City of Aosta gondola at the base of the mountain.\n\nArtemis Anglo Scottish Cha mps provisional programme: \n\n**Sunday 05 January 2020** \nU10/U12 Artem is Anglo Scottish Bairns Stubby Slalom \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Scottish S lalom \n**Monday 06 January** \nU10/U12 Artemis Anglo Scottish Giant Slal om \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Scottish Giant Slalom \n**Tuesday 07 January** \nU14/U16 Artemis Anglo Scottish Super G\, two races\, full course 350 m etre drop\n\nAge category: \n2004/05 U16 \n2006/07 U14 \n2008/09 U12 - Ba irns \n2010/11 U10 – Bairns\n\nBASS registration compulsory for U14 and U 16 racers. Contact your national snowsport organisation to register or to renew.\nNon BASS Registered bairns - the British Snowsports Athlete’s De claration form is included in the online booking system\, otherwise these must be signed by all non-registered racers and a parent/guardian. \n\nE ntry Fees: \nU14/U16: £180 \nU10/U12: £100 \nThe entry deadline is Friday 13 December 2019\, late entry - confirmed with race office - carries an additional fee of £50. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200107 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20200105 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200105 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis Anglo Scottish Championships 2020 UID:d9c3385f-c609-4df1-85ba-539b16a50b72 URL: hampionships-2020 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:£200 Deposit for the 2 week Saas Grund camp from December 27th - January 10th. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200110 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20200127 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200127 LOCATION:Saas Grund - Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Switzerland Camp Deposit UID:54ea8295-3226-45de-9da9-4c3489c20afc URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# ***Unfortunately\, this event is cancelled following the clo sure of the Pila ski resort. Please refer to GBSKI.COM for more informati on*** #\n\nOrganised by BSA in PILA\, Italy.\n\n**Sunday 15 March** \nGat e training in PILA supervised by BSA\n\nProvisional race schedule:\n\n**M onday 16 March** \nU10/U12 Giant Slalom \nBASS Girls Slalom \nBASS Boys G iant Slalom \n\n**Tuesday 17 March** \nU10/U12 Stubby Slalom \nBASS Girls Giant Slalom\nBASS Boys Slalom\n\n(BASS = U14 through to U21) \n\nThis c ompetition is a challenge to Schools in Britain* to compete for the **Art emis Champion School Cup**. Juniors\, Children and U12/U10 can take part\ , and the points system ensures that they all compete against each other. The races are open to individual entrants and are run under British comp etition rules in order to qualify for British Alpine Seeding System (BASS ) national seedpoints. \n{FileButton49} \n\n \n**Non BASS Registered race rs** Athlete Declarations are confirmed with online entry. Entrants that are not a member of a snowsport home nation (Snowsportengland\, Snowsport scotland or Snowsportwales) must have alpine ski race insurance that prov ides cover for third party liability. If you wish us to invoice you for t he entry fee and make payment by bank transfer\, please email info@britsk with your entry details.For entries that have not been made online\, an Athlete's Declaration will need to be completed for each part icipant and emailed to {PageLink5}: \n{FileButton 41} \n\n*In the event that an internationally based school finishes ahead of all the British based schools in the results table then they will be awarded an international trophy. Medals will also be awarded to Internati onal competitiors in each age category. \n\n**Entry deadline 24 February 2020** \nLate entries will be considered\, please email UK office on [inf](\n\nEntry Fees are n on-refundable if you decide to cancel. \n\n**Insurance Links**\n\nCompeti tors require full\, "Alpine Ski Racing Insurance" for the days of the com petition. We cannot recommend a provider\, but the following are an examp le:\n\n[](http://www.snowsportenglandinsuran \n[MPI Brokers]( \n\n**Race Photogra phers**\n\n[Matt Birch Pictures]( m/gallery-list) \n[Racer Ready]( DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200317 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20200316 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200316 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Artemis British Interschool Ski Championships 2020 UID:5ea0d4ec-8f0f-45c8-b818-de81759e005f URL: ool-ski-championships-2020 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 3 day Race Training Camp\, 15th - 17th July 2020 09.30 - 16. 00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Ga mes & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £225**\n\nMaximum 15 participants \n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and info rmation will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking . \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email *** *\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we c ancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n - The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of ca ncellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possi ble if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiacad. .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event wil l receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administrati on charge. DTEND:20200716T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200714T230000Z DTSTART:20200714T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark\, Scotland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 3 Day Training Camp UID:d4f11617-b5ef-4eb9-8496-13a2c9de1c78 URL: amp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION: DTEND:20200801T145731Z DTSTAMP:20200731T145731Z DTSTART:20200731T145731Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY: UID:4a338a62-557e-403f-9f7a-b220be9d79e4 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 2 day Race Training Camp\, 5th-6th August 2020 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Game s & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 15 participants\n \nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and inform ation will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\ n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we can cel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or c harges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of canc ellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possibl e if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so w e cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding t he event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please ma ke sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held re sponsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email ad dress. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to T he British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiacad.or .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before t he event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20200805T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200804T230000Z DTSTART:20200804T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Training Camp\, 5-6 August UID:fbede243-bf0b-47da-9762-36555dbceb67 URL: 6-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 2 day Race Training Camp\, 10th-11th August 2020 09.30 - 16. 00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Ga mes & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 15 participants \n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and info rmation will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking . \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email *** *\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we c ancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n - The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of ca ncellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possi ble if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiacad. .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event wil l receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administrati on charge. DTEND:20200810T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200809T230000Z DTSTART:20200809T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Training Camp\, 10-11 August UID:3279d217-7fef-451c-b30c-0280eb575467 URL: -11-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 2 day Race Training Camp\, 13th - 14th August 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 25 particip ants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon boo king. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ** .uk**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Stoke Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only. \n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as pos sible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regardi ng the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Pleas e make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be hel d responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect emai l address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiaca .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less befo re the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event w ill receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administra tion charge. DTEND:20200813T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200812T230000Z DTSTART:20200812T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke\, England SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke Training Camp\, 13-14 August UID:8be413cf-55ab-4e66-88e8-19e120ef93db URL: 4-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 2 day Race Training Camp\, 15th - 16th August 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 20 particip ants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon boo king. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ** .uk**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Swadlincote Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, l osses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a resu lt of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our contro l and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information r egarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrec t email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be em ailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@brit .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or les s before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the e vent will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% admi nistration charge. DTEND:20200815T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200814T230000Z DTSTART:20200814T230000Z LOCATION:Swadlincote\, England SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote Training Camp\,15-16 August UID:0fd5c9db-d946-49dc-bb8b-8617793aec59 URL: p15-16-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# Race Training Camp\, 17th August 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n* * Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Con ditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £75**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\nFull d etails\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information wi ll be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf y ou have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Can cellation Terms and Conditions for Gloucester Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel t he event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The B ritish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charge s\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellat ion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we can not be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the ev ent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make su re that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respons ible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address . \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Br itish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the ev ent. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will recei ve a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration char ge. DTEND:20200817T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200816T230000Z DTSTART:20200816T230000Z LOCATION:Gloucester\, England SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Gloucester Training Camp\, 17th August UID:2e6c13e0-7030-4e19-ae98-28868de07a8c URL: -17th-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Slalom Training Camp**\n\nWe are running a training camp at Landgraaf in Holland .\n\nDeparting from Maidstone Services (M20) on Tues day 18th August at 08.00 by minibus\, we will be training in the afternoo n and then two sessions a day on Wednesday\, Thursday\, and Friday. We wi ll depart after training on Friday and arrive back in the UK on Friday ev ening. \n\nIf you wish to discuss other travel options\, please email Tra cy: tracy@britskiacad.or.guk \n\nResidential Camp Cost is £750 (11 places ) \nOutlier\, training only\, is £75 per day (please note that we are no longer able to get the 'Skiteams' meal package for outliers)\n\nTo apply for a place on this camp\, please pay a deposit of £100 (fully refundable if the camp is cancelled or you are not accepted) and email a completed Registration Form (link below) to . A confirmati on of acceptance will be sent along with the invoice for immediate settle ment once both the Registration Form and deposit have been received and t he application accepted. Please note that payment of the reservation fee and submission of a Registration Form does not confirm a place on the cam p. \n\n\n[Registration Form]( a054d19c2593f0978c567f0020b9f/bsa-registration-pack) DTEND:20200820T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200817T230000Z DTSTART:20200817T230000Z LOCATION:Landgraaf\, Holland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Landgraaf Camp\, 18-21 August UID:475c36da-d856-4658-92cc-f5fd49468ac2 URL: ust END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# Race Training Camp\, 22nd August 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n* * Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Con ditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £75**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\nFull d etails\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information wi ll be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf y ou have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Can cellation Terms and Conditions for Gloucester Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel t he event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The B ritish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charge s\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellat ion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we can not be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the ev ent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make su re that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respons ible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address . \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Br itish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the ev ent. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will recei ve a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration char ge. DTEND:20200822T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200821T230000Z DTSTART:20200821T230000Z LOCATION:Gloucester\, England SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Gloucester Training Camp\, 22nd August - CANCELLED UID:e0aeaa4d-ff86-4025-a593-7a4eba3b80ad URL: -22nd-august-cancelled END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# Race Training Camp\, 23rd August 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n* * Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Con ditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £75**\n\nMaximum 20 participants\n\nFull d etails\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information wi ll be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf y ou have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Can cellation Terms and Conditions for Chatham Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The Brit ish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation . \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsibl e if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \ n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Briti sh Ski Academy administration email address : .\n - No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event . \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20200823T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200822T230000Z DTSTART:20200822T230000Z LOCATION:Chatham\, England SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chatham Dry Slope Camp\, 23rd August UID:74d9c346-29ac-48c2-a8b0-efa00cb727a7 URL: 3rd-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We are offering a five day training camp from Monday 24th to F riday 28th August in Norfolk .\n\n\nWe have several options available as detailed below:\n\n**Full Residential Package (very limited numbers) :** \n\n *Please email '' if you would like to join th is camp. We will need a completed registration form before we can confirm acceptance.* \n\n**Training Camp Options:**\n\nTraining only Monday to F riday - £330 \nTraining only per day Monday to Thursday - £65 \nTraining only Friday - £80 \n\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Norfolk C amp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for t he camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\ , costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incu r as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as m uch notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- In formation regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Acad emy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days b efore the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee mi nus 3% administration charge. \n\n**COVID19 Guidelines:**\n\nIn addition to the procedures that Norfolk Snowsports Centre will have in place\, the following Guidelines and Protocols will be followed by BSA:\n\nIn order to minimize the risk of transmission of the COVID19 virus:\n\n- All curre nt guidelines issued by the Government\, Snowsport England\, GB Snowsport s\, and the venue will be checked at the start of every camp to ensure th at they are followed wherever possible. \n- Government social distancing guidelines\, in place at the time of the camp\, will be adhered to at all times\, unless there is a greater risk in place. \n- Staff will request contact information relating to the trainee and whoever is bringing them to or collecting them from the camp to facilitate ‘track and trace’ if ne cessary.\n- Parents will be required to sign a declaration that the train ee does not show any symptoms associated with COVID19 and that they have not been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days that has. Parents wil l also need to declare any medical conditions\, allergies etc. that the t rainee may have. \n- Trainees will be responsible for their own medical s upplies such as Epipens\, wherever possible. \n- Parents/carers should on ly have one person bringing the trainee to or collecting from the camp.\n - All staff will check their temperature before arriving at the camp to e nsure that it is not raised. If they are displaying any symptoms associat ed with COVID19 they will self- isolate immediately and notify the Co-ord inator above. \n- Arrival and departure times at the camps will be stagge red in order to maintain social distancing and not overcrowd the entrance to the facility. Groups of trainees will be notified in advance of the c amp who their coach will be and their scheduled arrival time. The coach w ill then meet them at a location decided by the venue in order to complet e the sign in process before moving to the first activity. \n- Trainees w ill provide all of their own equipment\n- Trainees will arrive appropriat ely dressed to start the camp. \n- BSA will provide trainees with their o wn hand sanitizer supply \n- BSA will provide trainees with their own buf fs to act as a shield whilst on the poma.\n- BSA staff and trainees will have individual water bottles and bring their own packed lunches (assumin g that food is not available to purchase at the facility – if it is\, pay ments should be cashless).\n- BSA will provide their own gates\, stubbies and training equipment. \n- Each coach will have a group of trainees tha t is no more than the maximum permitted by guidelines in place at the tim e of the camp\, that have been issued by the government\, Snowsport Engla nd or the venue (currently 5 per coach).\n- Each group will take part in a socially distanced activity. When this activity is complete\, all equip ment will be cleaned with an appropriate sanitization product\, before be ing used by another group.\n- Lunch breaks and rest breaks will be stagge red to allow for social distancing\n- In the event of an accident/injury\ , a qualified First Aider will assess and treat the injured person only a fter fully cleansing their hands with sanitizer (minimum 70% alcohol) bef ore and after putting a face mask on (to be carried on their person\, in a sealed bag at all times). DTEND:20200827T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200823T230000Z DTSTART:20200823T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Dry Ski Slope SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk Training Camp\, 24-28 August UID:c3039dfa-e5b1-4b40-94be-b174af8f7913 URL: -28-august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**U16 and First Year FIS Slalom Training Camp**\n\nSadly we ha ve had to cancel this camp as the government has changed the quarantine g uidelines relating to Belgium.\n\n\n[Registration Form]( -pack) DTEND:20200831T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200828T230000Z DTSTART:20200828T230000Z LOCATION:Snow Valley\, Peer\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Snow Valley U16 and First Year FIS Camp\, 29 Aug - 1 Sept. - CANCE LLED UID:ff9de872-0f46-424a-9323-2fc4186741b1 URL: t-year-fis-camp-29-aug-1-sept-cancelled END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm. \n\nThere are spaces on the BSA minibus that will leave the Broxden roundabout in Perth at 4.45pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of o ur BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20201005T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200831T230000Z DTSTART:20200831T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday Training (6 sessions) UID:0f19356c-5499-4904-89f5-66606fe3556d URL: -6-sessions END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Lowlands Championships 22nd - 27th September** \n\nSadly we have had to cancel the planned trip to Landgraaf for the Lowlands races. \n\nThe UK government is still advising against all but essential travel to Holland and therefore we would not be insured. As this advice will not be reviewed until next Thursday at the earliest\, we have decided to can cel the trip now before there are any costs involved that we would not be able to recover.\n\nAll monies will be returned to the card that was use d to pay. Thank you for your understanding during these difficult and unc ertain times. DTEND:20200926T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200921T230000Z DTSTART:20200921T230000Z LOCATION:Landgraaf\, Holland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Lowlands Championships \, Residential 22nd - 27th September - CANC ELLED UID:6b1d173e-6711-4f71-bf49-95c9bd2ac251 URL: esidential-22nd-27th-september-cancelled END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 3-4th October 2020 09.30 - 16.00 \n \n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 25 participants from U10 - U21. \n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictio ns and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided u pon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britskia**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Silksworth Camp** :\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the ca mp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, cos ts\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much n otice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Informa tion regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on si gn-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy c annot be held responsible if information is not received because of an in correct email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : inf .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3 % administration charge. DTEND:20201003T230000Z DTSTAMP:20201002T230000Z DTSTART:20201002T230000Z LOCATION:Silksworth Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Silksworth Camp 3-4 October UID:b44462ad-5591-498d-996b-68c3bed57134 URL: ber END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 10-11 October 2020 09.30 - 16.00 \n \n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 15 participants\n\nFu ll details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informatio n will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\n If you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n* *Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charg es\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancella tion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we ca nnot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the e vent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make s ure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respon sible if information is not received because of an incorrect email addres s. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The B ritish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the e vent. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will rece ive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration cha rge. DTEND:20201010T230000Z DTSTAMP:20201009T230000Z DTSTART:20201009T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 10-11 October UID:111a8533-a263-4c9d-a42a-5b38d15d8f46 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 2 day Race Training Camp\, 17-18 October 2020 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 15 participants\n\ nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informa tion will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \ n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n \n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we canc el the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- T he British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or ch arges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cance llation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding th e event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please mak e sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held res ponsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email add ress. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to Th e British Ski Academy administration email address : .uk .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel less than 28 days before. DTEND:20201017T230000Z DTSTAMP:20201016T230000Z DTSTART:20201016T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 17-18 October 2020 UID:efae5a6e-4d41-49ff-9a32-0908031d2f06 URL: 20 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 5pm - 6.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 5pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, dril ls\, stubbies\, gates and much much more!!\n\nSessions will be lead by BS A Director Malcolm Erskine and former BSA athlete Rebecca Vernon. \n\nPLE ASE NOTE: 27th October will run from 1500 - 1630. Every other session wil l run 1700 - 1830. DTEND:20201020T230000Z DTSTAMP:20201019T230000Z DTSTART:20201019T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Tuesday Nights (Block 1) UID:72ee7b39-5f81-4880-ba3e-b7fbad875eb9 URL: hts-block-1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 24-25 October 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\ nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informa tion will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \ n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n \n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Stoke Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or char ges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancell ation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible i f we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we c annot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respo nsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email addre ss. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : k .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will rec eive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration ch arge. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201026 DTSTAMP:20201024T230000Z DTSTART:20201024T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke Training Camp 24-25 October UID:1249d1df-4c10-4e11-9274-087e64a7efb5 URL: 5-october END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 26-27 October 2020\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\ nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informa tion will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \ n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n \n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Swadlincote Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\ n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses o r charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of c ancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as poss ible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and s o we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regardin g the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed t o The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiacad .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less befor e the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event wi ll receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administrat ion charge. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201027 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201026 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201026 LOCATION:Swadlincote Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote Training Camp 26-27 October UID:2fffbc66-3c00-4fc7-bcd2-e298ef40b901 URL: p-26-27-october END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssion runs from 15.30 - 17.00\n\nPlease arrive 10 minutes before the star t of the session\, ready to train. \n\nTraining lead by BSA Director\, Ma lcolm Erskine and assisted by BSA Athlete Rebecca Vernon\n\nCost £20\n\nF ee is non-refundable DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201117 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201027 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201027 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Tuesday Nights - 27th October UID:1f4ef729-6de1-42c7-957a-66b8a912320b URL: hts-27th-october END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:3 day Residential Race Training Camp\, 28-30 October 2020 \n\n ** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Co nditioning * There will also be numerous other activities on offer such a s\, Climbing\, Abseiling\, Archery Active\, Bush-Craft\, Mission Impossib le\, Group Initiative Exercises\, Caving. A Minimum of 4 hours of skiing a day along with meals\, full pastoral care and an awful lot of fun!\n**C ourse fee £460**\n\nTHIS PAYMENT IS A DEPOSIT ONLY. \n\nFull details\, in cluding any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be email ed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation T erms and Conditions for Mendip Camp**:\n\nUpon booking you will receive a full terms and conditions from BSA. \n\n- If we cancel the event\, you w ill receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Acade my will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of t he camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every e ffort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cance l but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held resp onsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if informat ion is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wis h to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academ y administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancell ations made more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equi valent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201030 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201028 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201028 LOCATION:Mendip Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Mendip Residential Camp 28-30 October UID:1856b20d-ad16-4306-a7d9-240a5823c323 URL: 28-30-october END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 3 day Residential Race Training Camp\, 28-30 October 2020 #\ n\nPLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION TO PAY THE BALANCE OF YOUR CAMP BOOKING.\n\n **THE BALANCE OF £360 IS DUE BY MONDAY 26th OCTOBER**\n\n*Alternatively\, please make a bank transfer to the following account using the surname o n the booking and 'Mendip' as a reference:*\n\nBritish Ski Academy \nSort Code: 60 22 25 \nAccount Number : 37373277 \n\nMany Thanks DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201030 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201028 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201028 LOCATION:Mendip Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Mendip Residential Camp BALANCE PAYMENT UID:55eaed87-1e3a-4e3e-bbd5-3ad4f62aada8 URL: balance-payment END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 31 October - 1 November 2020\, 09.3 0 - 16.00 #\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuni ng * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £150**\n\nMaximum 22 parti cipants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions a nd information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britskiacad.**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Brentwood Camp**:\n\n - If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fe e only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a res ult of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our contr ol and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up . Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorre ct email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be e mailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@bri .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or le ss before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% adm inistration charge. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201101 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201031 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201031 LOCATION:Brentwood Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Brentwood Training Camp 31-1 Nov UID:97d3b8e8-6246-4e65-a7b7-cf82399e4cbe URL: 31-1-nov END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 3rd\, 10th\, 17th\, 24th. \n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n \n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be l ead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201124 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201103 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201103 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark November Tuesday Nights (Block of 4 weeks) UID:fa4a58df-107d-4c68-96df-339f6dd5ea9a URL: -nights-block-of-4-weeks END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm. \n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, dr ills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching t eam. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201104 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201103 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201103 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark November 3rd (Single session) UID:2a222d6e-4cd0-451f-9961-3e093386249d URL: gle-session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssion runs from 17.00 - 18.30\n\nPlease arrive 10 minutes before the star t of the session\, ready to train. \n\nTraining lead by BSA Director\, Ma lcolm Erskine and assisted by BSA Athlete\, Rebecca Vernon \n\nCost £20\n \nFee is non-refundable DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201117 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201103 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201103 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Tuesday Nights - 3rd November UID:c2d7fad2-e855-44e5-860e-a2adede143e6 URL: hts-3rd-november END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, dril ls\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching tea m. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201111 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201110 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201110 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark November 1oth (Single Session) UID:c5e4957f-50ed-4629-9279-a1c5517839af URL: ngle-session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssion runs from 17.00 - 18.30\n\nTraining lead by BSA Director Malcolm Er skine and assisted by BSA Athlete\, Rebecca Vernon.\n\nPlease arrive 10 m inutes before the start of the session\, ready to train. \n\nCost £20\n\n Fee is non-refundable DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201117 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201110 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201110 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Tuesday Nights - 10th November UID:2e2d5dfb-3ff7-496f-902d-efd3a9cbf059 URL: hts-10th-november END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Snow Factor Braehead. \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coachi ng team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and muc h much more!! \n\nDates and times as follows: \nNovember 15th\, 22nd\, 29 th \nDecember 6th \n11.30 - 13.30 every session. \n\nAll four sessions fo r £140 including all lift passes and coaching. \n\nAny Questions email fr DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201206 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201115 LOCATION:Snow Factor - Braehead SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Braehead Block of 4 sessions UID:39c4f31b-2ebd-46eb-b3fd-c25a9d93d391 URL: ions END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Snow Factor Braehead. \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coachi ng team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and muc h much more!! \n\nDates and times as follows: \nNovember 15th\, 22nd\, 29 th \nDecember 6th \n11.30 - 13.30 every session. \n\n£40 for Individual s essions. £140 for all 4 sessions. \n\nAny questions email fraser@britskia DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201116 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201115 LOCATION:Snow Factor - Braehead SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Braehead 15th November UID:0c0bdcc1-763d-4702-9d79-7120f9004748 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, dril ls\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching tea m. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201118 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201117 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201117 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark November 17th (Single Session) UID:7d74953d-925d-4ac8-a5a9-7f84b2423c9c URL: ngle-session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Friday evening training at Alford Ski Centre.\n\nNovem ber 20th\, 27th\, December 4th\, 11th. \n\nSessions will be 4.30pm - 6pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes pr ior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and b e lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201211 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201120 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201120 LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford Weekly Sessions UID:3c785423-d9e1-4a46-bcb8-d2083abf5507 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Snow Factor Braehead. \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coachi ng team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and muc h much more!! \n\nDates and times as follows: \nNovember 15th\, 22nd\, 29 th \nDecember 6th \n11.30 - 13.30 every session. \n\n£40 for Individual s essions. £140 for all 4 sessions. \n\nAny questions email fraser@britskia DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201123 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201122 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201122 LOCATION:Snow Factor - Braehead SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Braehead 22nd November UID:c57aeaad-9f5d-4772-85a6-dc6e73afce07 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, dril ls\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching tea m. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201125 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201124 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201124 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark November 24th (Single Session) UID:ae60fc4e-7c6c-4fcb-a1b1-2e5f966c53df URL: ngle-session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 5pm - 6.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bott om of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 5pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, dril ls\, stubbies\, gates and much much more!!\n\nSessions will be lead by BS A Director Malcolm Erskine and Rebecca Vernon. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201215 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201124 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201124 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Tuesday Nights (Block 2) UID:3805b1ea-6412-41b5-a5b4-cd53afe0f9ab URL: hts-block-2 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:£200 Deposit for the 2 week Saas Grund camp from December 27th - January 10th. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201220 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201202 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201202 LOCATION:Saas Grund - Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Switzerland Camp Deposit UID:77b41638-77a2-4f52-8273-d4e1e8faa3a4 URL: -1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet our BSA coaches at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we c an get on the slope for 6pm. \n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201209 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201208 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201208 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 8th December UID:64d9a2c8-9ff6-4fc1-8e51-b7684b188d94 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssion runs from 17.00 - 18.30\n\nTraining lead by BSA Director Malcolm Er skine and assisted by BSA Athlete\, Rebecca Vernon.\n\nPlease arrive 10 m inutes before the start of the session\, ready to train. \n\nCost £20\n\n Fee is non-refundable DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201209 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201208 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201208 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park 8th December UID:553ba3f7-253f-41e9-8be6-96946bc63f1d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Snow Factor Braehead. \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coachi ng team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and muc h much more!! \n\nDecember 13th from 10.30am - 12.30pm. \n\n£40 for Indiv idual sessions. \n\nAny questions email DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201214 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201213 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201213 LOCATION:Snow Factor - Braehead SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Braehead 13th December UID:542cd636-a224-400f-afa1-c52ff9a90882 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Sandown Ski Centre. \n\nSe ssion runs from 17.00 - 18.30\n\nTraining lead by BSA Director Malcolm Er skine and assisted by BSA Athlete\, Rebecca Vernon.\n\nPlease arrive 10 m inutes before the start of the session\, ready to train. \n\nCost £20\n\n Fee is non-refundable DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201216 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201215 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201215 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park 15th December UID:45d649fb-21b7-4f81-8fa4-4f62f1ed5a1c URL: er END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Friday evening training at Alford Ski Centre.\n\nNovem ber 20th\, 27th\, December 4th\, 11th AND NOW 18TH. \n\nSessions will be 4.30pm - 6pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies an d gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201219 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201218 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201218 LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford 18th December UID:b1ca168b-b35c-48ec-8408-9a696138e61b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:BSA Christmas Race!!!! \n\nSaturday 19th December at Firpark. You can find all details of the new race format below: \n\nYou will be gi ven a time slot for your race. The time slots are\, 0930-1100 (U10/12)\, 1130-1300 (U10/12)\, 1330-1500 (U14/16)\, 1530-1700 (U14/16).\n\nIn the h our and a half time slot\, you will have 30-40 minutes to warm and train with guidance and coaching of BSA coaches. You will then have 15-20 minut es to inspect the course before the race runs begin. There is a half an h our time slot between each session so we can wipe down the pomas and gate s before the arrival of the new session. We ask that you do not turn up m ore than 15 minutes before your allocated time slot. \n\n-The U10/12s wil l have three timed runs down the same stubbies course with the fasted 2 t imes being taken into account for the results. The U14/16 athletes will h ave 2 timed runs\, one on the first course\, and one on the second course that will be different. \n\nDue to Covid-19 there will be no bibs used f or the event. The start list will be randomised within age categories. Fo r example\, the U10s will be randomised before the U12 (Randomised) will start their timed runs. In a new format of racing\, the boys and girls wi ll be mixed together in the randomisation process. \n\nThere will be a ma ximum of 20 athletes at each time slot. There will also be 3/4 BSA coache s on the hill and a further 2 off the hill. Those off the hill will be po licing the rules set out by Snowsport Scotland and Firpark Ski Centre. Th ere is to be no spectators whatsoever\, the ski centre have said they wil l be extremely tight on this as will BSA. We will have a member of staff in the carpark to ensure the safe arrival of athletes and to make sure th e day runs to time and we are punctual on our delivery of the race. We ar e in a position whereby if the rules are not adhered too\, those involved will be given one warning and if they continue to break to rules their c hild(ren) will be disqualified from the race and asked to leave the ski c entre. However\, we are extremely hopeful this will not be the case as we have had over 100hrs of training at Firpark and not one issue. \n\nUpon completion of the session please leave the area of the ski centre and hea d home immediately so we can prepare for the next session. \n\nWe are in the process of setting up a video link to the race so it can be watched t hroughout the day. This will likely come through the format of a facebook live on the BSA account. \n\nFirst Aid will be administered by Firpark S ki Centre. MASKS MUST BE WORN WHEN ENTERING THE FACILITY FOR ANY REASON. \n\nThere will be no official prize giving however those that win each ge nder of each age category will receive a voucher for £50 of BSA credit th at can be used towards future camps or kit\n\nIf BSA cancels the race for any reason what so ever\, a full refund will be issued with 7 days of th e event date. If you are to cancel or cannot make the race due to covid r estrictions that are not in place at the time of booking\, the race entry fee will be carried over at credit for future BSA events. \n\n\nWe under standably have been advised to published the race on social media but fee l free to let others know. If you are members of others clubs let them kn ow\, although there will be no coaches from other clubs\, athletes are mo st welcome. \n\nBookings will close on MIDDAY THURSDAY 17TH and time slot s and a start list will be circulated later that evening. Please note the U10/12s will be racing in the first two slots and the U14/16s in the sec ond two slots. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201220 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20201219 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201219 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA Firpark Race December 19th UID:e4145936-1c0e-4bc4-b481-3769c78bcf64 URL: r-19th END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Update as of Monday 16th November 2020** \n\nSadly we have taken the decision to cancel the Anglo Scottish Championships for 2021. #\n\nWe hope that we may be able to run some informal races over the peri od 7-10 January 2021 and will update everyone as soon as we are able to c onfirm arrangements\, COVID19 restrictions permitting. \n\nIn the meantim e\, please keep fit and healthy and we hope to see you at the British Cha mps (28-30 January ) and the Interschools Races (15/16 March 2021). DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210110 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20210107 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210107 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Scottish Championships 2021 UID:86c5b058-d985-42cb-bf58-c4966f342b6f URL: hips-2021 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **English Alpine Championships 2021** #\n\nAs well as usual full time training programme in the Aosta valley\, we are offering a camp \, based in Bormio Italy\, ahead of the planned 2021 English Alpine Champ ionships.\n\nThe two week camp commences with accompanied flights from Ed inburgh and London on Saturday 6th February. We will be based in a hotel in the town and will train on surrounding slopes leading up to the start of the races on Sunday 14th February. There will be the option to stay an d train with us on a full residential basis with accompanied return fligh ts on Saturday 20th February or to continue from Saturday 13th February a s an outlier with race support only. \n\n**Full two week Residential Prog ramme £2800**\n\nWhat's included:\n\n- Flight accompaniment from London o r Edinburgh on Saturday 6th February with transfer to Bormio\n- Full boar d residential programme including race training\, ski prep\, fitness trai ning and tutorial support (6th - 20th February)\n- Lift pass from Sunday 7th until Friday 19th February\n- Transfer from Bormio to the airport of Saturday 20th February and flight accompaniment to London or Edinburgh\n\ nWhat's NOT included:\n\n- Flights\n- Ski equipment\n- Race Entry\n- Race \, travel and medical insurance\n\n**One week Residential and One Week Ou tlier Programme £2150** \n\n- Flight accompaniment from London or Edinbur gh on Saturday 6th February with transfer to Bormio\n- Full board residen tial programme including race training\, ski prep\, fitness training and tutorial support from Saturday 6th until Saturday 13th February.\n- Outli er race training/race support including lunch from Sunday 14th until Frid ay 19th February\n- Lift ticket from Sunday 7th until Friday 19th Februar y. \n\nWhat's NOT included:\n\n- Flights\n- Transfer from Bormio to the a irport\n- Flight accompaniment from Italy to the UK\n- Race\, travel and medical insurance\n- Race entry\n \nTo reserve a place on either of these camps\, please submit a completed registration form (See Join Us) and £1 00 deposit.\n\n**Reservation and Cancellation Terms and Conditions for En glish Alpine Camp**:\n\n**Reservation/Booking:**\n\n- Upon submission of £100 deposit and a completed registration form\, a reservation will be ma de for your child at the English Alpine Championship Camp. Once these hav e been received confirmation of acceptance onto the camp will be sent to you . Submission of a deposit and/or registration form is not confirmatio n of acceptance onto the camp.\n- Because of the current uncertainty arou nd travel and event restrictions\, full payment for the camp will be requ ired 8 weeks before the camp unless government guidance (either in Italy or the UK) still advises against all but essential international travel. This does not apply to the potential for quarantine arrangements upon arr ival or return\; payment will still be required to secure your child's pl ace on the camp regardless of whether a two week quarantine will be requi red upon arrival in Italy or return to the UK. \n\n\n**Cancellation:**\n\ n- If we cancel the camp more than 8 weeks before the start date\, your d eposit will be fully refunded.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be lia ble for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel the camp but thi s is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible f or late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the e mail address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct a s The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is no t received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to canc el your reservation\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy a dministration email address : .\n- No refunds wil l be given if you cancel 56 days or less before the event. We strongly ad vise that you have adequate insurance cover. \n- Cancellations made more than 56 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the ful l deposit minus 3% administration charge. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210219 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20210206 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210206 LOCATION:Bormio\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:English Alpine Championships Camp February 2021 UID:6f5c8f21-82d1-4031-bb4c-a39a68e7ea5c URL: hips-camp-february-2021 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Ski Rossendale\n\n**Friday 2nd 093 0-1600\n**Monday 5th 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170** \n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precau tions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the ad dress provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for R ossendale Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full r efund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liabl e for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that y ou may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made t o give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not al ways within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late not ice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email addres s provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The Briti sh Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your boo king\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration e mail address : .\n- No refunds will be given if y ou cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more t han 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full booking fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210404T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210401T230000Z DTSTART:20210401T230000Z LOCATION:Ski Rossendale SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Rossendale Camp 2&5 April UID:8390dbc4-f0f5-4082-a5b9-cb8d3bf24559 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 3-4 April 2021\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\n\ n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & C onditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\nFul l details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nI f you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n** Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Swadlincote Camp**:\n\n- If we canc el the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- T he British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or ch arges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cance llation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding th e event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please mak e sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held res ponsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email add ress. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to Th e British Ski Academy administration email address : .uk .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before th e event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will r eceive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration c harge. DTEND:20210403T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210402T230000Z DTSTART:20210402T230000Z LOCATION:Swadlincote Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote 3-4 April UID:60dc7d83-6fa7-40cf-b4e5-08bfe4e54128 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Stoke Ski Centre \n\n**Saturday 09 30-1600\n**Sunday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video an alysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\ nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautio ns/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the addre ss provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Stok e Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund fo r the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fe es\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may i ncur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give a s much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always wit hin our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provid ed on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski A cademy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, not ice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email addre ss : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 day s before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. \n\n\nThis camp is currently FULL however to express your interest in the waiting list please email fraser@britski DTEND:20210406T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210405T230000Z DTSTART:20210405T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke Camp 6-7 April UID:fd82c240-b787-4fb2-be58-85ff5fff68e2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:💥We're back on snow!!! \n\n**💥BSA training session taking pl ace at MK SnoZone**\n\n💥Sessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coaching team\, Fraser Buchan\, Hope Whitelaw and Tom Crockart. BSA Head of Pasto ral\, Alice Wood\, will also be there helping with the running of the ses sions. The sessions will include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and much much more!! \n\n📆Dates and times as follows: \n\n📍April 13-14th\n \n⏰5-8pm \n\n💥£130 for BOTH SESSIONS (6hrs total)\n\nIndividua l sessions available at £70 per session (Please book individual sessions by email Fraser on\n\nAny questions email fras\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Milton K eynes Training**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full r efund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liabl e for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that y ou may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made t o give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not al ways within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late not ice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email addres s provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The Briti sh Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your ent ry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration ema il address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more tha n 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full c amp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210406T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210405T230000Z DTSTART:20210405T230000Z LOCATION:SnoZone Milton Keynes SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Milton Keynes Indoor Training 13-14 April UID:812da936-4fb0-4d2b-b66b-7671f5cda9b9 URL: ining-13-14-april END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 8-9th April 2021\, 09.30 - 16.00 #\ n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\nF ull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informati on will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\ nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n **Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Stoke Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel t he event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The B ritish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charge s\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellat ion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we can not be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the ev ent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make su re that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respons ible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address . \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Br itish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the ev ent. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will recei ve a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charg e. DTEND:20210408T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210407T230000Z DTSTART:20210407T230000Z LOCATION:Silksworth Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Silksworth Camp 8-9 April UID:1eb7a0a7-0c0e-4100-8b3a-f66543b98e3a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Chatham Ski Centre \n\n**Sunday 09 30-1600\n**Monday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video an alysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\ nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautio ns/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the addre ss provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Chat ham Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always w ithin our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \ n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address prov ided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received becaus e of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, n otice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email add ress : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cance l 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 d ays before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fe e minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210411T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210410T230000Z DTSTART:20210410T230000Z LOCATION:Chatham Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chatham 11-12 April UID:91ff3750-21a7-4350-802f-4d7b28c7f751 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Suffolk Ski Centre \n\n**Tuesday 0 930-1600\n**Wednesday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Vide o analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170* *\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety preca utions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the a ddress provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please emai l ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Ipswich Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full ref und for the booking fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liab le for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not a lways within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late no tice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email addre ss provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The Brit ish Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your bo oking\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the ful l booking fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210413T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210412T230000Z DTSTART:20210412T230000Z LOCATION:Suffolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ipswich 13-14 April UID:f0752638-342f-4c7c-99b2-13c9481fe0bc URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Brentwood Ski Centre \n\n**Thursda y 0930-1600\n**Friday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Vide o analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170* *\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety preca utions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the a ddress provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please emai l ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Brentwood Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full r efund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liabl e for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that y ou may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made t o give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not al ways within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late not ice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email addres s provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The Briti sh Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your ent ry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration ema il address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more tha n 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full c amp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210415T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210414T230000Z DTSTART:20210414T230000Z LOCATION:Brentwood Ski and Snowboard Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Brentwood 15-16 April UID:b0081f7e-602b-491f-bd4c-f0bdbcb4d92b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Gloucester Ski Centre \n\n**Saturd ay 0930-1600\n**Sunday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Vid eo analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170 **\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety prec autions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please ema il ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Gloucester Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be lia ble for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late n otice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email addr ess provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The Bri tish Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not receive d because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your e ntry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration e mail address : .\n- No refunds will be given if y ou cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more t han 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210417T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210416T230000Z DTSTART:20210416T230000Z LOCATION:Gloucester Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Gloucester 17-18 April UID:a392e953-a766-495b-9f15-7f7c77fdef08 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 24-25 April 2021\, \n\nTIMINGS!! \n ** Saturday 1230-1830 \n** Sunday 0930-1600\n\n** Technical and gate trai ning * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Cours e fee £170**\n\nMaximum 25 participants\n\nFull details\, including any s afety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out direct ly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Cond itions for Stoke Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not b e liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for l ate notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as Th e British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not re ceived because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel y our entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administrat ion email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made m ore than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210424T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210423T230000Z DTSTART:20210423T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke 24-25 April UID:c8916f82-d65e-4d66-beae-bc0ec6c32027 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:NOW FULL \n\n2 day Race Training Camp\, 1-2 May 2021 09.30 - 1 6.00 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * G ames & Conditioning * **\n\nDue to current Scot Gov\, Snowsport Scotland and Firpark restrictions we are limited to 13 athletes and 2 coaches. \n\ n**Course fee £160**\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/r estrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address p rovided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees \, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may inc ur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always withi n our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- I nformation regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Aca demy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notic e must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee m inus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210501T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210430T230000Z DTSTART:20210430T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 1-2 May UID:ae49f781-b1e8-4456-9217-cf19c9d09a32 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nMay 4th\, 11th\, 18th and 25th \n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please mee t one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\n \nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210524T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210503T230000Z DTSTART:20210503T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday Nights (May) UID:f4995032-0da6-4f75-a91e-6bed50b547fc URL: ay END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Bookings will open at the end of March subject to Government G uidance. \n\n2 day Race Training Camp\, 8-9 May 2021 09.30 - 16.00 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Cond itioning * **\n\n**Due to current Scot Gov\, Snowsport Scotland and Firpa rk restrictions we are limited to 13 athletes and 2 coaches.**\n\n**Cours e fee £160**\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restricti ons and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britski**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\ n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs \, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much not ice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our co ntrol and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Informati on regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign -up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy can not be held responsible if information is not received because of an inco rrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must b e emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@ .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before t he event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210508T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210507T230000Z DTSTART:20210507T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 8-9 May UID:235f9774-9269-470b-a7cc-abfc047c82b8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Chill Factore (Manchester) \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine c oaching team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates an d much much more!! Get a solid training session in before the races begin on 29/30 May. What a way to prepare!\n\nMay 15th \n\n6-9pm \n\nCost for 3hrs\, £60\n\nAny questions email DTEND:20210515T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210514T230000Z DTSTART:20210514T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chill Factore Evening 15 May UID:60cb830c-6442-4e89-a676-7d28f85f6bda URL: -may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**May 16th\, 0930-1600** \n\n**Course fee £ 80**\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety pr ecautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to th e address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please e mail ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Rossendale Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for la te notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not rec eived because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel yo ur booking\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administra tion email address : .\n- No refunds will be give n if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to th e full booking fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210516T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210515T230000Z DTSTART:20210515T230000Z LOCATION:Rossendale SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Rossendale 16 May UID:9a0d76fc-fcab-4dc6-be27-dc172ebbdc44 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Friday evening training at Swadlincote Ski Centre. \n\nSession s will be 6-8pm. Please meet our BSA coaches 10 minutes prior to the sess ion to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm. \n\nSessi ons will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210521T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210520T230000Z DTSTART:20210520T230000Z LOCATION:Swadlincote Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote Friday Night 21 May UID:d6876632-05c5-46f2-8e16-6f62ce21b1bc URL: -21-may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Swadlincote Ski Centre \n\n**Satur day 1100-1700 \n\n**Sunday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * *\n\n**Course fee £ 160**\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety p recautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to t he address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Condition s for Swadlincote Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\ , that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will b e made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this i s not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the emai l address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as T he British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not r eceived because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administra tion email address : .\n- No refunds will be give n if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to th e full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210522T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210521T230000Z DTSTART:20210521T230000Z LOCATION:Swadlincote Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote 22-23 May UID:674f3035-38a5-469d-8508-1b0f4f583d00 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**FREE RACE SUPPORT**\n\nWe will be heading to the Ambition an d Excel Club Nationals and offering free race support! \n\nFraser Buchan\ , Hope Whitelaw and Tom Crockart will all on hand this weekend to deliver free coaching and race support!!! \n\nWhat's included: \n\nWarm up coach ing\nCourse Inspection \nSki Prep at the start \nHelp at the start of the race and throughout the day \nCoaching at the start of the race and thro ughout the day. \n\n**ALL FOR FREE**\n\nCan't be booked online\n\n# **To book\, please email or call/text Fraser on 0753 8183359 .** # DTEND:20210529T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210528T230000Z DTSTART:20210528T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Free Race Support 29/30 May UID:cbe1a43b-f147-471b-962e-f11dc2a3c29b URL: may END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We will be running the ever popular Pembrey race camp again th is May Half Term. We are offering a 5 day programme that runs from Monday 31 May to 4 June. The daily programme will be as follows: \n\nMonday 093 0-1600\, Technical and gate training\, Video analysis\, Ski tuning\, Game s & Conditioning \n\nTuesday 0930-1600\, Technical and gate training\, Vi deo analysis\, Ski tuning\, Games & Conditioning \n\nWednesday 0930-1600\ , Technical and gate training\, Video analysis\, Ski tuning\, Games & Con ditioning \n\nThursday 0930-1600\, Technical and gate training\, Video an alysis\, Ski tuning\, Games & Conditioning \n\nFriday 0930-1400 (Ski and BSA Race) \n\n\nThis BSA camp is a great opportunity to improve or fine-t une your racing technique\, ski fitness and race strategy. The trainees c hange activity on a regular basis and competitions are held every afterno on. Top up your training with our expert coaches before the holidays end. Learn new skills and make new friends.\n\n**Price: £375 for the 5 day ca mp** \n\n**Individual days available at £85 per day**\n\nPembrey Ski Cent re \nPembrey Country Park\, \nLlanelli \nSA16 0EJ\n\nHome of the West Wal es Ski Club\, Pembrey ski centre is located in a beautiful park (with car avan facilities) on the Carmarthenshire coast. With sandy beaches close b y the\, programme can be described as "Ski\, Ski\, Jump in the Sea!" We e xpect some of the trainees will be bringing their mountains bikes\, and s ome will probably be camping out. Contact us if more information is requi red: [](\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n* *Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Pembrey Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charg es\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancella tion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we ca nnot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the e vent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make s ure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respon sible if information is not received because of an incorrect email addres s. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The B ritish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the e vent. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will rece ive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration char ge. DTEND:20210603T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210530T230000Z DTSTART:20210530T230000Z LOCATION:Pembrey Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pembrey 31 May - 4 June UID:86f9b895-312f-4aaf-8cb2-ba4c2dbd7259 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**PRE TWIN PEAKS TRAINING!!!** IT'S RACE TIME!!! \n\n1 day Rac e Training Camp\, 5 June 2021 09.30 - 16.00 \n\n** Technical and gate tra ining * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Cour se fee £80**\n\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restric tions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provide d upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **fraser@bri**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp **:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, c osts\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur a s a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within ou r control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Infor mation regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice mu st be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : i .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 day s or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days befo re the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210605T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210604T230000Z DTSTART:20210604T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 5 June UID:8950d98f-a4b8-4b57-91db-afbfe1c74ec5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nJun e 8th\, 15th\, 22nd\, 29th. \n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please mee t one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\n \nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210628T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210607T230000Z DTSTART:20210607T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday Nights (June) UID:4ef5387f-7bfb-4183-b50c-bce401d634c3 URL: une END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Bookings will open at the end of March subject to Government G uidance. \n\n2 day Race Training Camp\, 12-13 June 2021 09.30 - 16.00 \n\ n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & C onditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £160**\n\n**Due to current Scot Gov\, Sn owsport Scotland and Firpark restrictions we are limited to 13 athletes a nd 2 coaches. We are hopeful by June this number will be increased**\n\nF ull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informati on will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\ nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n **Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or char ges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancell ation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible i f we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we c annot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respo nsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email addre ss. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : k .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will rec eive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration ch arge. DTEND:20210612T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210611T230000Z DTSTART:20210611T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 12-13 June UID:a53c6576-b99c-4e8b-a44a-19eea8d993cd URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Chill Factore (Manchester) \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine c oaching team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates an d much much more!! After a long break from the indoor we are back - Check it out. \nJune 19th \n\n6-9pm \n\nCost for 3hrs\, £60\n\nAny questions e mail DTEND:20210619T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210618T230000Z DTSTART:20210618T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chill Factore Evening 19 June UID:a26b77f7-9765-484c-aabe-d5ad4bba7473 URL: -june END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**June 20th\, 0930-1600** \n\n**Course fee £80**\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety p recautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to t he address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Condition s for Rossendale Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not b e liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for l ate notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as Th e British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not re ceived because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel y our booking\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administr ation email address : .\n- No refunds will be giv en if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to t he full booking fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210620T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210619T230000Z DTSTART:20210619T230000Z LOCATION:Rossendale SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Rossendale 20 June UID:0883536f-4d5c-40b3-a983-bb8a2d1264f0 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp\, 26-27 June 2021 09.30 - 16.00 \n\n* * Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Con ditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £160**\n\n**Due to current Scot Gov\, Snow sport Scotland and Firpark restrictions we are limited to 13 athletes and 2 coaches. **\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restric tions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provide d upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **fraser@bri**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp **:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, c osts\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur a s a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within ou r control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Infor mation regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice mu st be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : i .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 day s or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days befo re the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210626T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210625T230000Z DTSTART:20210625T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 26-27 June UID:c8f14980-f0b8-4706-8a0c-88981d2a63d1 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Bookings will open at the end of March subject to Government G uidance. \n\n2 day Race Training Camp\, 7-8 July 2021 09.30 - 16.00 \n\n* * Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Con ditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £160**\n\n**Due to current Scot Gov\, Snow sport Scotland and Firpark restrictions we are limited to 13 athletes and 2 coaches. We are hopeful by July this number will be increased**\n\nFul l details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nI f you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n** Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel t he event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The B ritish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charge s\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellat ion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we can not be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the ev ent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make su re that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respons ible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address . \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Br itish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the ev ent. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will recei ve a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration char ge. DTEND:20210707T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210706T230000Z DTSTART:20210706T230000Z LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford 7-8 July UID:8628d119-ded3-491e-a814-63d2d4d551af URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Bookings will open at the end of March subject to Government G uidance. \n\n2 day Race Training Camp\, 9-10 July 2021 09.30 - 16.00 \n\n ** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Co nditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\n**Due to current Scot Gov\, Sno wsport Scotland and Firpark restrictions we are limited to 13 athletes an d 2 coaches. We are hopeful by July this number will be increased**\n\nFu ll details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and informatio n will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\n If you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n* *Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Firpark Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charg es\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancella tion. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we ca nnot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the e vent will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make s ure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respon sible if information is not received because of an incorrect email addres s. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The B ritish Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the e vent. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will rece ive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration cha rge. DTEND:20210709T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210708T230000Z DTSTART:20210708T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 9-10 July UID:0ba72964-ae56-491f-9273-a67511679b8a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:BSA SEEDED FIRPARK SLALOM RACE \n\nAll Info: {FileButton84} DTEND:20210711T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210710T230000Z DTSTART:20210710T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA FIRPARK RACE 11 JULY UID:fefd2b51-6ee9-4ae3-9cf1-a7dab4cde7d7 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support provided by BSA Core Coaches. \n\nIncludes Warm u p drills\, exercises\, course inspection\, Race ski prep at the top of th e hill\, checking skis and bindings and putting athletes in the gate. \n\ nRace support for this event will be covered by Scott Buchan and Hope Whi telaw. \n\nAny Questions email DTEND:20210712T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210711T230000Z DTSTART:20210711T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:NSSA Finals Race Support UID:ea4fdd19-eb25-4f27-a062-8c28ea5ca49d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:3 day Race Training Camp at Stoke Ski Centre \n\n0930-1600 eac h day. \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £240**\n\nMaximum 30 participa nts\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and i nformation will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon book ing. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ** uk**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Stoke Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\ n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses o r charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of c ancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as poss ible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and s o we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regardin g the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed t o The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiacad .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less befor e the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event wi ll receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administrati on charge. DTEND:20210714T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210712T230000Z DTSTART:20210712T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke 13-15 July UID:2263699b-b010-4616-bb7c-3ea07c1d11d5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support for the whole weekend\, provided by BSA Core Coac hes\, Fraser and Scott Buchan.\n\nIncludes Warm up drills\, exercises\, c ourse inspection\, Race ski prep at the top of the hill\, checking skis a nd bindings and putting athletes in the gate. \n\nRace support for this e vent will be covered by Scott Buchan and Hope Whitelaw. \n\nAny Questions email DTEND:20210717T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210716T230000Z DTSTART:20210716T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Race Support GBR Series Race 1 UID:a8fe947a-3d14-44ea-a008-2cbd334869a7 URL: race-1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Slalom Training Camp**\n\nWe are returning to Landgraaf to r un a training camp at Landgraaf in Holland.\n\n💥 Consistent conditions \ n\n💥 Fast turn around \n\n💥 High quality coaching and low\, coach : ath lete ratio \n\n💥Full winter staff including pastoral care \n\n💥BSA wint er coaching team \n\n💥SO MUCH FUN!! \n\nIf you wish to discuss other tra vel options\, please email Tracy: \n\nResidentia l Camp Cost is £900 exc travel (Travel TBC) \nOutlier\, training only\, i s £85 per day (please note that we are no longer able to get the 'Skiteam s' meal package for outliers)\n\nTo apply for a place on this camp\, plea se pay a deposit of £150 (fully refundable if the camp is cancelled or yo u are not accepted) and email a completed Registration Form (link below) to . A confirmation of acceptance will be sent a long with the invoice for immediate settlement once both the Registration Form and deposit have been received and the application accepted. Please note that payment of the reservation fee and submission of a Registratio n Form does not confirm a place on the camp. \n\n**DEPOSIT ONLY** \n\n[Re gistration Form]( f0978c567f0020b9f/bsa-registration-pack)\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Cond itions for Landgraaf Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will recei ve a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will n ot be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp f ee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort wil l be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but thi s is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible f or late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the e mail address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct a s The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is no t received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to canc el your booking\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy admin istration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 4 weeks or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 4 weeks before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full booking fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210724T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210720T230000Z DTSTART:20210720T230000Z LOCATION:SnowWorld Landgraaf SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LANDGRAAF 21-25 July UID:7bdb4bd9-b243-448d-9736-dbdf3ee220fa URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Swadlincote Ski Centre \n\n**Both days 0930-1600\n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski t uning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\nMaximum 30 pa rticipants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restriction s and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided up on booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britskiac**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Swadlincote Camp** :\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the ca mp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, cos ts\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much n otice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Informa tion regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on si gn-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy c annot be held responsible if information is not received because of an in correct email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : inf .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210727T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210726T230000Z DTSTART:20210726T230000Z LOCATION:Swadlincote Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote 27-28 July UID:f83d46e8-2de8-484f-a830-9275b8f580ad URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Pre British Champs Race Training Camp at Gloucester Ski Centre \n\nThursday 0930-1600\nFriday 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n** Course fee £180**\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out d irectly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questio ns\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Gloucester Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effo rt will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel b ut this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held respons ible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is cor rect as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish t o cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy a dministration email address : .\n- No refunds wil l be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellati ons made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equival ent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210729T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210728T230000Z DTSTART:20210728T230000Z LOCATION:Gloucester Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Gloucester 29-30 July UID:37fbc027-5dad-452a-bbcc-e7c603bb940b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**💥Gloucester Club National AND The British Outdoor Champs Ra ce Support💥** \n\nRace Support for the whole weekend\, provided by the e ntire BSA Core Coaching Team\, Fraser Buchan\, Tom Crockart\, Hope Whitel aw and Scott Buchan. BSA Head of Pastoral Alice Wood will also be on site helping with the running of the programme.\n\nRace support includes:\n\n 💥 Warm up drills/exercises\n\n💥 Course inspection\n\n💥 Race ski prep a t the top of the hill\n\n💥Checking skis and bindings and putting athlete s in the gate\n\n💥 Making sure atheltes are ready to race and in the bes t mindset possible to ski their best!! \n\nAny Questions email fraser@bri DTEND:20210731T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210730T230000Z DTSTART:20210730T230000Z LOCATION:Gloucester Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:British Outdoor Champs Race Support UID:fd39e772-d829-43d6-94bb-e13a858f9036 URL: ace-support END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:5 day Residential Race Training Camp\, 2-6 August 2021 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Condi tioning * There will also be numerous other activities on offer such as\, Climbing\, Abseiling\, Archery Active\, Bush-Craft\, Mission Impossible\ , Group Initiative Exercises\, Caving. A Minimum of 4 hours of skiing a d ay along with meals\, full pastoral care and an awful lot of fun!\n**Cour se fee £720**\n\nTHIS PAYMENT IS A £100 DEPOSIT ONLY. \n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be ema iled out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have a ny questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Mendip Camp**:\n\nUpon booking you will receive a full terms and conditions from BSA. \n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Aca demy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to can cel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held re sponsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be se nt to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this i s correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if inform ation is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you w ish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Acad emy administration email address : .\n- No refund s will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cance llations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund eq uivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210805T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210801T230000Z DTSTART:20210801T230000Z LOCATION:Mendip Activity Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Mendip Residential 2-6 August UID:a40a0ec1-e06c-4311-8d71-7eb380a80ede URL: ugust END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Swadlincote Ski Centre \n\n\n**Bot h days 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Sk i tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrict ions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britsk**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Swadlincote Cam p**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as muc h notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within o ur control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Info rmation regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academ y cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice m ust be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 da ys or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days bef ore the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210807T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210806T230000Z DTSTART:20210806T230000Z LOCATION:Swadlincote Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Swadlincote 7-8 August UID:2dc416e3-c7a3-46e7-9d0f-7e9cfb78a49a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Llandudno Ski Centre \n\n0930-1600 each day. \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuni ng * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\nMaximum 30 parti cipants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions a nd information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britskiacad.**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Llandudno Camp**:\n\n - If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fe e only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a res ult of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our contr ol and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up . Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorre ct email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be e mailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@bri .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or le ss before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% admi nistration charge. DTEND:20210810T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210809T230000Z DTSTART:20210809T230000Z LOCATION:Llandudno Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Llandudno 10-11 August UID:20579c12-1054-447b-a49e-a9c3e0e05c22 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2 day Race Training Camp at Stoke Ski Centre \n\n\n**Both day 0930-1600 \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tunin g * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n**Course fee £170**\n\nMaximum 30 partic ipants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/restrictions an d information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon b ooking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **info@britskiacad.o**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Stoke Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee onl y.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losse s or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result o f cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as p ossible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control an d so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regar ding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Ple ase make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be h eld responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect em ail address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emaile d to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskia .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less be fore the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 3% administr ation charge. DTEND:20210812T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210811T230000Z DTSTART:20210811T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke 12-13 August UID:7ada63c2-f081-457f-a455-cc5ae6a954f4 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:💥 Race Support for the whole weekend\, provided by BSA Core C oaches\, Fraser Buchan\, Tom Crockart\, Hope Whitelaw and Scott Buchan.\n \nIncludes:\n\n💥 Warm up drills/ exercises\n\n💥 Course inspection\n\n💥 Race ski prep at the top of the hill \n\n💥 Checking skis and bindings \ n\n 💥 Putting athletes in the gate. \n \n\nAny Questions email fraser@br\n\nTEAM BSA DTEND:20210814T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210813T230000Z DTSTART:20210813T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Welsh & British Indoor Race Support UID:dfb8d18a-7f07-4701-82b4-c50d529c6a92 URL: indoor-race-support END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Slalom Training Camp for U14 - U18 Racers** #\n\n Increase d costs\, limitations around travel and the risk of cancellation as a res ult of COVID means that we have decided not to go ahead with this camp. DTEND:20210820T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210816T230000Z DTSTART:20210816T230000Z LOCATION:Snow Valley\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Snow Valley 17-21 August UID:5284a51d-4af1-4e6f-aeb3-0eb2be4918e3 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# This Camp is now full. \n **If you would like to be added to the waiting list\, please email or fraser@brits** \n \n\n5 day Race Training Camp at Norfolk Ski Centre \n\ n0930-1600 Monday - Thursday \n0930-1400 Friday Race \n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\ n\n**Course fee £375**\n\nMaximum 30 participants\n\nFull details\, inclu ding any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any qu estions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellation Term s and Conditions for Norfolk Camp**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you wi ll receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academ y will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of th e camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every ef fort will be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held respo nsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is c orrect as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if informati on is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : .\n- No refunds w ill be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancella tions made more than 14 days before the event will receive a refund equiv alent to the full camp fee minus 3% administration charge. DTEND:20210826T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210822T230000Z DTSTART:20210822T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk 5 Day camp 23-27 August UID:f2031417-8f1b-43fb-a68a-a4f0d4850b1e URL: -august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:FREE RACE SUPPORT \n\nFree race support at the All England Cha mpionships on 28th August 2021 at Silksworth.\n\nIt really is that simple \, all you have to do is sign up! DTEND:20210828T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210827T230000Z DTSTART:20210827T230000Z LOCATION:Silksworth Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:FREE All England Race Support UID:868f07ae-a1ef-40c2-bf25-a73378be9883 URL: pport END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nSeptember 1st\, 8th\, 22nd\, 29th\n\n1st September : 6-7.30pm \n\n8th \, 22nd and 29th : 7-8.30pm \n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the t op of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, d rills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210904T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210831T230000Z DTSTART:20210831T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday's (September) UID:a060bf2b-4d70-4038-b512-1f1007092876 URL: september END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Friday evening training at Chatham Ski Centre.\n\nSept ember 3rd\, 10th\, 17th and 24th \n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Pleas e meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\ n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team.\n\nIndividual sessions are o pen for bookings by emailing and are £25 per se ssion. DTEND:20210904T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210902T230000Z DTSTART:20210902T230000Z LOCATION:Chatham Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chatham Friday's (September) UID:36b7b022-95b9-486f-a4cf-121ba626e209 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Chill Factore (Manchester) \n\nSessions will be led by our BSA alpine co aching team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies\, gates a nd much much more!! \n\nSaturday 4th September \n\n6-9pm \n\nCost for 3hr s\, £65\n\nAny questions email DTEND:20210904T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210903T230000Z DTSTART:20210903T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chill Factore 4th September UID:9532635c-cfd6-43a2-a3ce-e60f6307d370 URL: ber END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Monday evening training at Stoke Ski Centre.\n\nSeptem ber 6th\, 13th\, 20th and 27th \n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to t he session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\ n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be le ad by one of our BSA alpine coaching team.\n\nIndividual sessions are ope n for bookings by emailing and are £25 per sess ion. DTEND:20210926T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210905T230000Z DTSTART:20210905T230000Z LOCATION:Stoke Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stoke Monday Sessions (September) UID:c83a0407-deeb-4e3e-974c-a5bde04f4335 URL: ptember END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nSep tember 7th\, 14th\, 21st\, 28th\n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to t he session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\ n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team.\n\nIndividual sessions are open for bookings by emailing and are £25 per sessio n. DTEND:20210927T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210906T230000Z DTSTART:20210906T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's (September) UID:2e686d64-738e-4b23-a483-2368d978138e URL: er END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nSeptember 8th\, 22nd\, 29th: 19.00 - 20.30 \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of o ur BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210908T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210907T230000Z DTSTART:20210907T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday's (September) UID:88b5e6d4-a0e1-4ae5-bf69-87b6e656c67a URL: september-1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:## We are back at Alford Ski Centre! \n\nRegular Friday Night Training at Alford Ski Centre 16.45 - 18.15\n\n£15 per session. \n\nIf yo u have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Canc ellation Terms and Conditions for Alford Training**:\n\n- If we cancel th e event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The Br itish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges \, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellati on. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if w e need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cann ot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the eve nt will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sur e that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsi ble if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Bri tish Ski Academy administration email address : . \n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the eve nt. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receiv e a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charg e. DTEND:20210917T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210916T230000Z DTSTART:20210916T230000Z LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford Friday 17th Sept UID:e2dc4d87-21cd-43cd-9e32-58bf627024de URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nSeptember 22nd Only 19.00 - 20.30 \n\nSession cost £30\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the hill 10 minutes prior to the sess ion to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSe ssions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by o ne of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210922T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210921T230000Z DTSTART:20210921T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 22nd September UID:4125e1d3-eddf-49e6-a6ee-2f05d44ce814 URL: 2nd-september END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:## We are back at Alford Ski Centre! ## \n\nRegular Friday Nig ht Training at Alford Ski Centre 16.45 - 18.15\n\n£15 per session. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**C ancellation Terms and Conditions for Alford Training**:\n\n- If we cancel the event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or char ges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancell ation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible i f we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we c annot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held respo nsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email addre ss. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : k .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will rec eive a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration ch arge. DTEND:20210924T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210923T230000Z DTSTART:20210923T230000Z LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford Friday 24th September UID:261a3325-5755-4259-b1ea-b7264f535151 URL: mber END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nSeptember 29th Only 19.00 - 20.30 \n\nSession cost £30\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the hill 10 minutes prior to the sess ion to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSe ssions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by o ne of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND:20210929T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210928T230000Z DTSTART:20210928T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 29th September UID:9309d352-7715-4ca9-acf8-f31e613a681a URL: 9th-september END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:## We are back at Alford Ski Centre! \n\nRegular Friday Night Training at Alford Ski Centre 16.45 - 18.15\n\n£15 per session. \n\nIf yo u have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Canc ellation Terms and Conditions for Alford Training**:\n\n- If we cancel th e event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The Br itish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges \, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellati on. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if w e need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cann ot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the eve nt will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sur e that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsi ble if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Bri tish Ski Academy administration email address : . \n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the eve nt. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receiv e a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charg e. DTEND:20210923T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210930T230000Z DTSTART:20210930T230000Z LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford Friday 1st October UID:af9c3c87-f621-4235-adc4-c5812b1481df URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Chill Factore (Manchester) \n\nSessions will be led by our BSA alpine co aching team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies\, gates a nd much much more!! \n\nSunday 3rd October\n\n6.30 - 09.30 pm \n\nCost fo r 3hrs\, £55\n\nAny questions email DTEND:20211003T230000Z DTSTAMP:20211002T230000Z DTSTART:20211002T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chill Factore 3rd October UID:5cb3f627-01be-4957-b027-58dc453f0f2b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# Autumn Glacier Camp Kit Transfer #\n\nWe are able to transfe r a limited amount of kit from the UK (Edinburgh and London pick up point s) to the glacier training camp in Saas Fee. \n\nThe cost for this is £70 for a return transfer for 1 ski bag and 1 kit bag *(Easyjet\, as an exam ple\, charge £37 each way for a ski bag\, meaning a saving of at least £4 before taking into account the cost for the kit bag).* \n\nPick up from Scotland on 7th October and London on 8th October (locations to be confir med) \n\nDrop off in London on 2nd November and Scotland on 3rd November (locations to be confirmed). \n\n**Please Note:**\n\nAll kit\, including skis themselves\, need to be clearly labelled.\n\nCheck your insurance to confirm the cover provided for items that are not with you.\n\nWhilst ev ery care and precaution will be taken to ensure that your kit is kept saf e and secure\, the BSA cannot accept liability for any loss or damage tha t may occur whilst the items are in their possession DTEND:20211007T230000Z DTSTAMP:20211006T230000Z DTSTART:20211006T230000Z LOCATION:London and Scotland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Autumn Glacier Camp Kit Transfer UID:304ca38c-db69-4d37-a3b1-392bdb030397 URL: transfer END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:## We are back at Alford Ski Centre! \n\nRegular Friday Night Training at Alford Ski Centre 16.45 - 18.15\n\n£15 per session. \n\nIf yo u have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Canc ellation Terms and Conditions for Alford Training**:\n\n- If we cancel th e event\, you will receive a full refund for the camp fee only.\n- The Br itish Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges \, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellati on. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible if w e need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cann ot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the eve nt will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sur e that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsi ble if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The Bri tish Ski Academy administration email address : . \n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 14 days or less before the eve nt. \n- Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will receiv e a refund equivalent to the full entry fee minus 3% administration charg e. DTEND:20211008T230000Z DTSTAMP:20211007T230000Z DTSTART:20211007T230000Z LOCATION:Alford Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Alford Friday 8th October UID:d055273d-e869-4e72-8197-604570005e61 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Saas Fee Autumn Glacier Training** #\n\nWe will be returni ng to our usual location for a glacier training camp starting on Sunday 1 0th October and running through until Sunday 31st October. The camp will provide Slalom and GS training for U12 - FIS along with regular fitness s essions and activities.\n\nOur full coaching team will be on hand to ensu re that everyone gets as much as possible out of the training time. \n\nC amp costs\, not including travel\, insurance or equipment:\n\n**Week One Sunday 10th October to Sunday 15th October £1450**\n\n**Week Two Sunday 1 7th October to Sunday 24th October £1450**\n\n**Week Three Sunday 24th Oc tober to Sunday 31st October £1450**\n\n**Outlier £75 per day\, not inclu ding lift pass or lunch.**\n\n**Any two continuous weeks £2700**\n \n## A ccompanied Flights ##\nEdinburgh to Geneva on Sunday 10th October \nEasyj et (Flight Reference K2CDDD3 travelling with Thomas Crockart) Departing E dinburgh at 07.20\, arriving Geneva 10.40\n\nEdinburgh to Geneva on Sunda y 17th October \nEasyjet (Flight Reference K2CDKCN travelling with Scott Buchan) Departing Edinburgh at 07.20\, arriving Geneva 10.40\n\nGeneva to Edinburgh on 17th October \nEasyjet (Flight Referemce K2CDDD3 travelling with Thomas Crockart) Departing Geneva at 11.15\, arriving Edinburgh at 12.30\n\nGeneva to Edinburgh on 24th October \nEasyjet (Flight Reference K2CDKCN travelling with Scott Buchan) Departing Geneva at 11.15\, arrivin g Edinburgh at 12.30\n\nGeneva to Edinburgh on Sunday 31st October\nEasyj et (Flight reference K2GZM1J travelling with Thomas Crockart) Departing G eneva at 10.45\, arriving Edinburgh at 12.05\n\nLondon Gatwick to Geneva on Sunday10th October \nEasyjet (Flight Reference K2CDMZ9 travelling with Fraser Buchan) Departing Gatwick at 13.35\, arriving Geneva at 16.20\n\n London Gatwick to Geneva on Sunday 17th October \nEasyjet (Flight Referen ce K2CDNF2 travelling with Malcolm Erskine) Departing Gatwick at 13.35\, arriving Geneva at 16.20\n\nGeneva to London Gatwick on 17th October \nEa syjet (Fligt Reference K2CDNF2 travelling with Malcolm Erskine) Departing Geneva at 21.40\, arriving Gatwick at 22.20\n\nLondon Gatwick to Geneva on Sunday 24th October \nEasyjet (Flight Reference K2CDNRM travelling wit h Malcolm Erskine) Departing Gatwick at 13.35\, arriving Geneva at 16.20\ n\nGeneva to London Gatwick on Sunday 24th October \nEasyjet (Flight Refe rence K2CDNRM travelling with Malcolm Erskine) Departing Geneva at 21.40\ , arriving Gatwick at 22.20\n\nGeneva to London Gatwick on Sunday 31st Oc tober \nEasyjet (Flight Reference K2CDMZ9 travelling with Fraser Buchan) Departing Geneva at 10.50\, arriving Gatwick at 11.25\n\n\n \n\nTo secure a place on this camp please submit a Registration Form and pay a deposit of £250 per week. The balance will be due upon receipt of our invoice. P lease see our Terms and Conditions below along with our Code of Conduct a nd Disciplinary Procedure. \n\n{FileButton77}\n\n{FileButton78}\n\n {File Button91}\n \n {FileButton52} DTEND:20211030T230000Z DTSTAMP:20211009T230000Z DTSTART:20211009T230000Z LOCATION:Saas Fee\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Autumn Glacier Camp\, October 10-31 UID:af229fc3-144b-4434-8c0e-5129deb0b451 URL: ber-10-31 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 2nd\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staf f at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\nSingle session £25\n\n\ nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead b y one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211103 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211102 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211102 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's November 2nd UID:f0949f8d-7cf3-4665-bf8a-6c41fdea9bfe URL: r-2nd END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 2nd\, 9th\, 16th\, 23rd and 30th\n\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes pri or to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\nReduced rate of £20 per session for booking 5 sessions in advance . Should you cancel a session\, the remaining sessions will be charged at £25\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211103 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211102 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211102 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's November 5 week Block UID:3c29622d-415e-4dbf-bf47-b3423a00eb1b URL: r-5-week-block END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211104 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211103 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211103 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 3rd November UID:392dd7b3-8e28-4f1e-a333-822065b63089 URL: rd-november END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 9th\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staf f at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpin e coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211110 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211109 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211109 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's November 9th UID:1acf32c5-ef20-4d18-9cf8-759c9edc6013 URL: r-9th END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211111 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211110 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211110 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 10th November UID:41984cba-a555-4fa7-8886-22cde29e39fe URL: 0th-november END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 16th\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA sta ff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involv e skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpi ne coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211117 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211116 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211116 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's November 16th UID:2fb08303-3d68-4643-afcc-c6eceeeb0136 URL: r-16th END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211118 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211117 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211117 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 17th November UID:75035972-786f-466b-8623-f9ffb76c9aba URL: 7th-november END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 23rd\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA sta ff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involv e skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpi ne coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211124 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211123 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211123 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's November 23rd UID:1aa1bb36-2117-431b-ae06-9ceb56ae1483 URL: r-23rd END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211125 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211124 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211124 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 24th November UID:e194d514-25a6-4a3c-a133-5ede79627d0f URL: 4th-november END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\nNov ember 30th\nSessions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA sta ff at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involv e skills\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpi ne coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211201 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211130 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211130 LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Tuesday's November 30th UID:b2a5f36e-01cc-4c5e-a0f7-cf2ce11882ed URL: r-30th END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211202 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211201 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211201 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 1st December UID:3083e999-e999-4dab-9c0a-71fee0264ec6 URL: st-december END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Snow Factor Braehead. \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coachi ng team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and muc h much more!! \n\nDecember 5th from 1-3pm\n\n£40 for Individual sessions. \n\nAny questions email DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211206 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211205 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211205 LOCATION:Snow Factor\, Braehead SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Braehead 5th December UID:c307b91a-9414-4384-88af-90b7f95e8fc2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# Winter Season Kit Transfer #\n\n# ****The Kit van is now ful l and we are no longer taking bookings** ** ##\n\nWe are able to transfer a limited amount of kit from the UK (pick up point from Edinburgh to Eur otunnel to be confirmed) to the BSA Hotel in Aosta. \n\n\nThe kit van wil l be leaving from Perth\, Scotland early on Thursday morning\, 8th Decemb er. \n\nPickup points are: \n\nSeaton Burn 07.30 \nCharnock Richard 12.30 \nStafford South Services 14.15-14.30 \nOxford South Services 16.30 \nCo bham Services 17.45 \n\n\nAlternatively it can be dropped off at : \nFras er's in Perth (07538183359) \, \nMalcolm's in Hersham\, Surrey (079704955 33) or \nTracy's in Ipswich (07590993305) before Wednesday evening. Pleas e call them to arrange. \n\n\nWe will take one ski bag and a boot bag for £35. If you are planning to return after Christmas\, kit may be left at the hotel otherwise it should be booked to return with you on your flight (as there is no certainty about the Welsh Championships we cannot hold k it between Christmas and the Welsh ).\n\nN.B :\n\n- We cannot accept ski tubes or hard sided boot/hill bag.\n- There will not be a return trip bef ore the end of the season.\n\n**Please Note:**\n\nAll kit\, including ski s themselves\, need to be clearly labelled.\n\nCheck your insurance to co nfirm the cover provided for items that are not with you.\n\nWhilst every care and precaution will be taken to ensure that your kit is kept safe a nd secure\, the BSA cannot accept liability for any loss or damage that m ay occur whilst the items are in their possession or left at the hotel in Aosta. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211210 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211206 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211206 LOCATION:London and Scotland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Winter Season Kit Transfer - Pre Christmas UID:3bc5525a-bb03-42dd-b545-6b3e1dd58b57 URL: er-pre-christmas END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We're back on snow!!! \n\nBSA training session taking place at Snow Factor Braehead. \n\nSessions will be lead by our BSA alpine coachi ng team and include a variety of skills\, drills\, stubbies gates and muc h much more!! \n\nDecember 7th from 5.30-7.30pm\n\n£40 for Individual ses sions. \n\nAny questions email DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211208 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211207 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211207 LOCATION:Snow Factor\, Braehead SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Braehead 7th December UID:eb9e4ff2-d154-4b87-8437-9619b2a497d8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211209 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211208 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211208 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 8th December UID:ef0ebb9e-ecce-48a7-bcb6-818831cc551f URL: th-december END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211209 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211208 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211208 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 8th December (copy) UID:f6b044c8-d8f5-46d5-9e36-dc65ce558622 URL: th-december END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211209 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20211208 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211208 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 8th December (copy) UID:70f02fda-8d26-4820-b1e7-e20ff9bd87d5 URL: th-december END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Anglo Scottish Championships 2022**\n\n**10-12 January 2022* *\n\n# **++++ Urgent Update ++++++** #\n\n# The Italian government has an nounced that from 10th January\, if you are aged 12 and over\, a 'Super G reen Pass' ( proof of double vaccination or of recovery from Covid) will be required to access the lift systems in ski resorts. There is no requir ement for those aged under 12 to have proof of either. A negative covid t est will no longer be valid to use ski lifts. #\n\nThe British Ski Academ y will again host the Anglo Scottish Championships in PILA\, Italy. These races are open to competitors born 2006 to 2013. Bairns (U10/U12) will h ave a stub slalom\, a g iant slalom and a SG (Open GS). The U14/U16s will have a Slalom\, GS and Super G races\, to count for national seedpoints (BASS). \nPrizes will be awarded for each day’s events and medals awarded to the top 3 places for girls and boys in all categories from U10 – U16\nPila is a family friend ly resort with an excellent record in hosting international ski races. Ac commodation in resort is limited but there is easy uplift via the City of Aosta gondola at the base of the mountain.\n\nAnglo Scottish Champs prov isional programme: \n\n**Monday 10 January 2020** \nU10/U12 Anglo Scottis h Bairns Stubbie Slalom \nU14/U16 Anglo Scottish Slalom \n**Tuesday 11 Ja nuary** \nU10/U12 Anglo Scottish Giant Slalom \nU14/U16 Anglo Scottish Gi ant Slalom \n**Wednesday 12 January** \nU14/U16 Anglo Scottish Super G\n\ nU10/12 Anglo Scottish Open GS / Super G \n\n**Age category:** \nU16 // 2 006 & 2007\nU14 // 2008 & 2009\nU12 // 2010 & 2011\nU10 // 2012 & 2013\n\ n\nBASS registration compulsory for U14 and U16 racers. Contact your nati onal snowsport organisation to register or to renew (Snowsport Scotland\, England or Wales). \nNon-BASS Registered U10/12s - the British Snowsport s Athlete’s Declaration form is included in the online booking system\, o therwise these must be signed by all non-registered racers and a parent/g uardian. \n\n**Entry Fees:** \nU10-U16 - £55 per race \nAll 3 races for £ 150 \nThe entry deadline is 1st January 2022\, late entry - confirmed wit h race office - carries an additional fee of £50.\n\nPlease Note: \n - Ac ceptance Lists and Race Bulletins will be published on \n - Whe re an event is registered for BASS points\, we have not confirmed if subs cription/s are up to date. \n - On Start and Acceptance lists\, clubs are listed as recorded on current BASS files. \n - Appropriate athlete ski r ace/race training insurance is compulsory for all events held outside of the UK. \n - Fees are non - refundable if you cancel less than 28 days be fore the event. \n - A 3% administration fee will be payable if you cance l more than 28 days before the event. \n - If the race is cancelled becau se of circumstances beyond the control of BSA e.g. adverse weather\, chan ge in government regulations etc. BSA will endeavour to refund as much of the entry fee as we can\, after covering fixed costs and expenses. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220112 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220110 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220110 LOCATION:Pila\, Aosta\, IT SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Scottish Championships 2022 UID:f2459b56-70d8-4b4f-9393-377cf8bd3e47 URL: hips-2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220120 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 19th January UID:1000906e-2629-4285-9f23-42e28c301209 URL: 9th-january END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220127 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 26th January UID:a66a4dad-1ed0-438c-bd89-7f7882f3998e URL: 6th-january END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220203 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 2nd February UID:8db045dc-ee72-4109-9128-5266610fb066 URL: nd-february END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently compete nt skiers or for those already racing who wish to improve their technique . \n\n90 Minute session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19 .00 - 20.10) \n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the h ill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stu bbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220210 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 9th February UID:56b4e0f8-5899-4ee1-9ee7-a5a31afffe5d URL: th-february END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **APOLOGIES< BUT THIS SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED>** #\n\nReg ular Wednesday evening training at Sandown Park Ski Centre. \n\nTraining is for aspiring alpine ski racers who are currently competent skiers or f or those already racing who wish to improve their technique. \n\n90 Minut e session £30 (19.00 - 20.30) \n\n70 Minute Session £25 (19.00 - 20.10) \ n\n\n\nPlease meet one of our BSA staff at the top of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sure we can get on the slope for 7pm.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and gate s and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220216 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220115 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park Wednesday 16th February UID:40995c2b-8237-49e0-abd8-7c92829f6616 URL: 6th-february END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Saas Fee Autumn Glacier Training** #\n\nWe will be returni ng to our usual location for a glacier training camp starting on Saturday 15th October and running through until Sunday 30th October. The camp wil l provide Slalom and GS training for U12 - FIS along with regular fitness sessions and activities.\n\nOur full coaching team will be on hand to en sure that everyone gets as much as possible out of the training time. \n\ nCamp costs\, not including travel\, insurance or equipment:\n\n**Week On e** Saturday 15th October to Sunday 23rd October £1600\n\n**Week Two** Su nday 23rd October to Sunday 30th October £1600 \n\n**Two Week Camp** Satu rday 15th October to Sunday 30th October £3000\n\n**Outlier £80 per day\, including lunch but not including lift pass .**\n\n\n## Accompanied Flig hts ##\n\nAccompanied flights from London and Edinburgh on 15th\, 23rd an d 30th October .\n\n**15th October** \nEasyjet EZY6905 Edinburgh to Genev a depart 11.05\, arrive 14.20 . Booking reference K3281TG travelling with Thomas Rofe \n\nEasyjet EZS8472 London Gatwick to Geneva depart 10.50\, arrive 13.30. Booking reference K44SC89 travelling with Susan Erskine.\n\ n**23rd October** \n\nEasyjet EZY6908 Geneva to Edinburgh depart 17.15\, arrive 18.30. Booking reference K3282TX travelling with Thomas Rofe\n\n** 30th October** \nEasyjet EZY6908 Geneva to Edinburgh depart 16.00\, arriv e 17.20. Booking reference K328381 travelling with Adam Piper\n\nEasyjet EZS8481 Geneva to London Gatwick depart 18.50\, arrive 19.25. Booking ref erence K44SCTQ travelling with Susan Erskine.\n\nTo secure a place on thi s camp please submit a Registration Form to an d pay the full amount for the camp via online booking. If you would prefe r to pay for the camp by bank transfer\, please email malcolm@britskiacad .org for an invoice. Payment will be due immediately upon receipt of the invoice.\n\n# Please Note # \n\n- A place is not confirmed until a comple ted Registration Form has been received by Malcolm and your child's suita bility for the camp has been approved.\n- This camp is aimed at competent skiers/racers - if you have any concerns as to whether your child's abil ity/experience meets the requirements of this camp\, please contact Malco lm on 07970495533 ASAP\, before booking. \n- Athletes taking part in this camp will be expected to have their own ski equipment as rentals are not possible in resort. If you have any questions about equipment requiremen ts\, please see our Equipment Checklist under the 'Equipment' Tab. If you still require more advice\, please contact Malcolm on 07970495533\n\n\nP lease see our Terms and Conditions along with our Code of Conduct and Dis ciplinary Procedure. \n\n{FileButton115}\n\n{FileButton116}\n\n {FileButt on120}\n \n {FileButton137} DTEND:20221021T230000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220210 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220210 LOCATION:Saas Fee\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Autumn Glacier Camp\, October 15th - 30th 2022 UID:2f9f075c-bb22-46de-a090-a6bbc53bf97a URL: ber-15th-30th-2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Saas Fee Summer Glacier Training** #\n\nWe will be returni ng to our usual location for a glacier training camp starting on Saturday 16th July and running through until Sunday 31st July. The camp will provi de Slalom and GS training for U12 - FIS along with regular fitness sessio ns and activities.\n\nOur full coaching team will be on hand to ensure th at everyone gets as much as possible out of the training time. \n\nCamp c osts\, not including travel\, insurance or equipment:\n\n**Week One** Sat urday 16th July to Sunday 24th July £1500\n\n**Week Two** Sunday 24th Jul y to Sunday 31st July £1500 \n\n**Two Week Camp** Saturday 16th July to S unday 31st July £2800\n\n**Outlier £80 per day\, including lunch but not including lift pass .**\n\n\n## Accompanied Flights ##\n\nAccompanied fli ghts from London and Edinburgh on 16th\, 24th and 31st July to be confirm ed. \n\nFlights will be booked in May with a view to having anyone who ha s paid a deposit included into the booking rather than the need to add at a later date . Given the difficulties presented by most airlines when at tempting to add a child\, we strongly recommend you take this opportunity to include your child on the initial booking. \n\n\n \n\nTo secure a pla ce on this camp please submit a Registration Form and pay a deposit of £2 50 per week. The balance will be due upon receipt of our invoice. Please see our Terms and Conditions below along with our Code of Conduct and Dis ciplinary Procedure. \n\n{FileButton115}\n\n{FileButton116}\n\n {FileButt on91}\n \n {FileButton52} DTEND:20220723T230000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220210 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220210 LOCATION:Saas Fee\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Children's Summer Glacier Camp\, July 16th - 31st 2022 UID:a7c20a7b-aae2-4430-9d9f-69e3fc413c5c URL: -camp-july-16th-31st-2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Saas Fee Summer Glacier Training** #\n\nWe will be returni ng to our usual location for a FIS glacier training camp starting on Sund ay 23rd July and running through until Saturday 6th August. The camp will provide Slalom and GS training for FIS athletes along with regular fitne ss sessions and activities. The camp will run alongisde the Children's te am for the first week and then be FIS only athletes for the second week. \n\nOur full coaching team will be on hand to ensure that everyone gets a s much as possible out of the training time. \n\nCamp costs\, not includi ng travel\, insurance or equipment:\n\n**Week One** Sunday 23rd July to S unday 31st July £1500\n\n**Week Two** Sunday 31st July to Saturday 6th Au gust £1500 \n\n**Two Week Camp** Sunday 23rd July to Saturday 6th August £2800\n\n**Outlier £80 per day\, not including lift pass or lunch **\n\n\ nAirport pickup/dropoff is available for Sunday 23rd and 31st Juy and Sat urday 6th August. \n\nAccompanied flights from London and Edinburgh on 16 th\, 24th and 31st July to be confirmed. \n \n\nTo secure a place on this camp please submit a Registration Form and pay a deposit of £250 per wee k. The balance will be due upon receipt of our invoice. Please see our Te rms and Conditions below along with our Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure. \n\n{FileButton77}\n\n{FileButton78}\n\n {FileButton91}\n \n { FileButton52} DTEND:20220805T230000Z DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220210 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220210 LOCATION:Saas Fee\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:FIS Summer Glacier Camp\, July 23rd - August 6th 2022 UID:145918a3-2aea-4ee5-897a-20007e1821ae URL: july-23rd-august-6th-2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# The 30th Interschools Race will be taking place in Andorra # \n\n\n** Open to school teams and individual racers from U10 to U18 **\n\ n** BASS seed points available to eligible racers. **\n\nOrganised by BSA in Granvalira\, Andorra\n\n**Sunday 20 March** \n\nAccess to gate traini ng in Granvalira (piste to be confirmed) supervised by BSA Staff\n\nProvi sional race schedule:\n\n**Monday 21 March** \nU10/U12 Giant Slalom \nBAS S Girls Slalom \nBASS Boys Giant Slalom \n\n**Tuesday 22 March** \nU10/U1 2 Stubby Slalom \nBASS Girls Giant Slalom \nBASS Boys Slalom \n\n(BASS = U14 - U18) \n\nThis competition is a challenge to Schools in the United K ingdom* to compete for the **Interschools Champion School Cup**. Juniors\ , Children and U12/U10 can take part\, and the points system ensures that they all compete against each other. The races are open to individual en trants and are run under British competition rules in order to qualify fo r British Alpine Seeding System (BASS) national seedpoints. \n\n \n**In t he event that an internationally based school finishes ahead of all the B ritish based schools in the results table then they will be awarded an in ternational trophy. Medals will also be awarded to International competit iors in each age category. \n\nPlease note:\n\n- Entry cost is £60 per ra ce ( and includes access to training on Sunday)\n\n- For those who entere d the cancelled 2020 Interschools\, please email to enter at the reduced fee of £15 per race. \n\n- **Entry deadline 07 Ma rch 2022** \n\n- Late entries will be considered\, please email UK office on [](\n\n- Entry Fees are non-refundable if you decide to cancel less than 28 days before the race.\n\n- If the BSA are forced to cancel because of circumstances b eyond their control\, excluding weather conditions or safety issues\, a m inimum of 75% of the race entry fee will be refunded.\n\n- BSA are not re sponsible for any additional costs you may incur as a result of cancellat ion (e.g. cost of accommodation\, travel etc.)\n\n- *Non BASS Registered racers** Athlete Declaration is confirmed with online entry.\n\n- For ent ries that have not been made online\, an Athlete's Declaration will need to be completed for each participant and emailed to uk \n{FileButton41} \n\n- All entrants must have medical insurance that c overs for alpine racing and race training.\n\n- Entrants that are not a m ember of a snowsport home nation (Snowsportengland\, Snowsportscotland or Snowsportwales) must have alpine ski race insurance that provides cover for third party liability. \n\n- If you wish us to invoice you for the en try fee and make payment by bank transfer\, please email info@britskiacad with your entry details. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220322 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220320 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220320 LOCATION:Granvalira\, Andorra SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interschool Ski Championships 2022 UID:95f32035-ee3d-4198-a7d3-94396321b490 URL: ships-2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# Welcome to the the first BSA BASS Championships \nGranvalira \, Andorra \n\nTwo days of BASS races to be held directly after the Inter schools to give BASS registered athletes two opportunities to achieve poi nts in both GS and Slalom. The races will be held in Pas de la Casa (Grau Roig area) and will be supported by the excellent piste and race managem ent team in Andorra. \n\nAndorra can be accessed by flights into either B arcelona\, Spain or Toulouse\, France. Both airports have excellent trans fer operators to Andorra. \n\n**Wednesday 23 March** \nU10/U12 Giant Slal om \nBASS Girls Slalom \nBASS Boys Giant Slalom \n\n**Thursday 24 March** \nU10/U12 Stubby Slalom \nBASS Girls Giant Slalom \nBASS Boys Slalom \n\ n(BASS = U14 - U16) \n\n\nPlease note:\n\n- Entry cost is £60 per race\n\ n- **Entry deadline 09 March 2022** \n\n- Late entries will be considered \, please email UK office on [](mailto:info@britsk\n\n- Entry Fees are non-refundable if you decide to cancel less than 28 days before the race.\n\n- If the BSA are forced to cancel b ecause of circumstances beyond their control\, excluding weather conditio ns or safety issues\, a minimum of 75% of the entry fee will be refunded. \n\n- BSA are not responsible for any additional costs you may incur as a result of cancellation (e.g. cost of accommodation\, travel etc.)\n\n- A ll entrants must have medical insurance that covers for alpine racing and race training.\n\n- Entrants that are not a member of a snowsport home n ation (Snowsportengland\, Snowsportscotland or Snowsportwales) must have alpine ski race insurance that provides cover for third party liability. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220324 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20220323 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220323 LOCATION:Granvalira\, Andorra SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA BASS Championships UID:fe1f4e14-ed54-44ee-a072-ea3608d30d2f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\n\nS essions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bot tom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sur e we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, dr ills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching t eam. DTEND:20220510T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220509T230000Z DTSTART:20220509T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 10th May 2022 UID:38419dee-7c98-48d1-87e3-24878a09a19b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\n\nS essions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bot tom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sur e we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, dr ills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching t eam. DTEND:20220517T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220516T230000Z DTSTART:20220516T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 17th May 2022 UID:ef96bc7b-22a3-4d56-acbe-72f944e84a72 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\n\nS essions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bot tom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sur e we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, dr ills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching t eam. DTEND:20220524T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220523T230000Z DTSTART:20220523T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 24th May 2022 UID:cbb1e8e2-fed5-44e5-9045-0becea196d55 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We will be running the ever popular Pembrey race camp again th is May Half Term. We are offering a 3 day programme that runs from 10.00 to 1600\, Monday 30th to Wednesday 1st June 2022. \n\nThis BSA camp is a great opportunity to improve or fine-tune your racing technique\, ski fit ness and race strategy. The trainees change activity on a regular basis a nd competitions are held every afternoon. Top up your training with our e xpert coaches before the holidays end. Learn new skills and make new frie nds.\n\n**Price: £240 for the 3 day camp** \n**Enter your racers and pay online at right panel** Select option and "Join Race" \n\nPembrey Ski Cen tre \nPembrey Country Park\, \nLlanelli \nSA16 0EJ\n\nHome of the West Wa les Ski Club\, Pembrey ski centre is located in a beautiful park (with ca ravan facilities) on the Carmarthenshire coast. With sandy beaches close by the\, programme can be described as "Ski\, Ski\, Jump in the Sea!" We expect some of the trainees will be bringing their mountains bikes\, and some will probably be camping out. Contact us if more information is requ ired: []( DTEND:20220531T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220529T230000Z DTSTART:20220529T230000Z LOCATION:Pembrey Ski Centre\, Llanelli SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pembrey Slalom Camp\, May 2022 UID:b8a53af7-42fc-460a-8958-f1c47e6daa9c URL: 2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:We will be running the ever popular Pembrey race camp again th is May Half Term. We are offering a 3 day programme that runs from 10.00 to 1600\, Monday 30th to Wednesday 1st June 2022. \n\nThis BSA camp is a great opportunity to improve or fine-tune your racing technique\, ski fit ness and race strategy. The trainees change activity on a regular basis a nd competitions are held every afternoon. Top up your training with our e xpert coaches before the holidays end. Learn new skills and make new frie nds.\n\n**Price: £240 for the 3 day camp** \n**Enter your racers and pay online at right panel** Select option and "Join Race" \n\nPembrey Ski Cen tre \nPembrey Country Park\, \nLlanelli \nSA16 0EJ\n\nHome of the West Wa les Ski Club\, Pembrey ski centre is located in a beautiful park (with ca ravan facilities) on the Carmarthenshire coast. With sandy beaches close by the\, programme can be described as "Ski\, Ski\, Jump in the Sea!" We expect some of the trainees will be bringing their mountains bikes\, and some will probably be camping out. Contact us if more information is requ ired: []( DTEND:20220531T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220529T230000Z DTSTART:20220529T230000Z LOCATION:Pembrey Ski Centre\, Llanelli SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pembrey Slalom Camp\, May 2022 (copy) UID:8a0ff8e1-5fc9-4dc2-bdea-11ddc37ea8cb URL: 2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\n\nS essions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bot tom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sur e we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, dr ills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching t eam. DTEND:20220531T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220530T230000Z DTSTART:20220530T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 31st May UID:5492d589-7e29-46a8-83b1-91bffe4e12e6 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:A great opportunity for training before the Twin Peaks race on Saturday. \n\nMorning Session10.00 - 13.00 £40.\n\nA three hour session of race training . Sessions will involve skills\, drills\, stubbies and g ates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching team.\n\nPlease arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of training to meet a BSA staff member at the bottom of the hill. DTEND:20220602T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220530T230000Z DTSTART:20220530T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 3rd June Half Day Camp (Morning) UID:c3a2fb97-d587-4490-8ff8-fad800c27ca9 URL: y-camp-morning END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support provided by our Alpine Coaching Team for the Twin Peaks Race on Saturday 4th June. DTEND:20220603T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220601T230000Z DTSTART:20220601T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark Race Support 4th June UID:6441a59c-f8a3-410c-9c5c-5de8fc22b8b9 URL: -june END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Regular Tuesday evening training at Firpark Ski Centre.\n\n\nS essions will be 6pm - 7.30pm. Please meet one of our BSA staff at the bot tom of the hill 10 minutes prior to the session to get ready and make sur e we can get on the slope for 6pm.\n\n\nSessions will involve skills\, dr ills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine coaching t eam. DTEND:20220614T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220606T230000Z DTSTART:20220606T230000Z LOCATION:Firpark Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Firpark 14th June UID:bb2d35f5-06d6-4857-a397-a39ca586e30d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Braehead\n\n\n£15 DTEND:20220619T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220618T230000Z DTSTART:20220618T230000Z LOCATION:Braehead Indoor Training Camp SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:19th June Race Support at Braehead UID:518e63cb-d5fe-4063-9651-418d6f90d740 URL: t-braehead END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Slalom Training Camp at Snow Valley in Belgium** #\n\n## M onday 27th June to Friday 1st July 2022 ##\n\nA great opportunity to keep your on snow training going during the summer. 8 sessions of quick turna round slalom training\, full board accommodation\, fitness sessions\, and activities. Outlier option also available. \n\nCost for 4 nights full bo ard accommodation and 8 sessions of training £800\n\nTransport by minibus (Edinburgh and London options) £150 from London\, £200 from Edinburgh\n\ nTo secure your place on this camp please pay a deposit of £250 using the online payment facility (fully refundable if we cancel the camp). Once y ou have paid the deposit\, BSA admin will be in touch to complete the reg istration process and confirm your booking. \n\nThe balance of the camp p ayment to be paid 6 weeks before departure.\n\n{FileButton98} DTEND:20220627T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220626T230000Z DTSTART:20220626T230000Z LOCATION:Snow Valley\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Snow Valley 27th June - 1st July UID:5188feb8-ae74-473b-b78d-dbeef330fd00 URL: t-july END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Hillend\n\n£15 DTEND:20220629T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220628T230000Z DTSTART:20220628T230000Z LOCATION:Hillend SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:4th September Race Support at Hillend UID:bbfb2779-d9f1-48bd-972d-6f55ae53a837 URL: rt-at-hillend END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Slalom Training Camp at Snow Valley in Belgium** #\n\n## M onday 11th July to Thursday 14th July 2022 ##\n\nA great opportunity to k eep your on snow training going during the summer. 6 sessions of quick tu rnaround slalom training\, full board accommodation\, fitness sessions\, and activities. Outlier option also available. \n\nCost for 3 nights full board accommodation and 6 sessions of training £600\n\nAccompanied trave l from Edinburgh via Easyjet £200\, from London via Brussels Airlines £15 0. \n\nOutlier option is £40 per session. \n\nTo secure your place on thi s camp please pay a deposit of £250 using the online payment facility (fu lly refundable if we cancel the camp). Once you have paid the deposit\, B SA admin will be in touch to complete the registration process and confir m your booking. \n\nThe balance of the camp payment to be paid 6 weeks be fore departure. \n\n{FileButton115} \n{FileButton116} \n{FileButton120} \ n{FileButton52} DTEND:20220713T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220710T230000Z DTSTART:20220710T230000Z LOCATION:Snow Valley\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Snow Valley 11th July - 14th July UID:f06119ca-021b-43ec-9433-69efd74c9282 URL: th-july END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Training Camp at Sandown Park aimed at competent skiers.\ n\nCamps starts at 09.45 and finishes at 15.30. \n\nPlease meet at the sl ope 10 minutes before the start. \n\nCamp cost is £170 for two days. Indi vidual may be possible\, depending on avaiability - Please email info@bri to request a single day.\n\n\n\nSessions will involve ski lls\, drills\, stubbies and gates and be lead by one of our BSA alpine co aching team. DTEND:20220804T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220803T230000Z DTSTART:20220803T230000Z LOCATION:Sandown Park Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sandown Park 4-5 August 2022 UID:7b181b06-0df7-45fc-bb1d-16d94849c977 URL: 2022 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **Slalom Training Camp at Snow Valley in Belgium** #\n\n## M onday 8th August to Friday 12th August 2022 ##\n\nA great opportunity to keep your on snow training going during the summer. 8 sessions of quick t urnaround slalom training\, full board accommodation\, fitness sessions\, and activities. Outlier option also available. \n\nCost for 4 nights ful l board accommodation and 8 sessions of training £950 (includes kit trans fer and minibus from London). \n\nOutlier option £40 per session\, not in cluding lift pass or lunch.\n\nTo secure your place on this camp please p ay a deposit of £250 using the online payment facility (fully refundable if we cancel the camp). Once you have paid the deposit\, BSA admin will b e in touch to complete the registration process and confirm your booking. \n\nThe balance of the camp payment to be paid 6 weeks before departure. \n\n{FileButton120} \n\n {FileButton115} \n \n {FileButton116} \n \n {Fil eButton52} DTEND:20220804T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220807T230000Z DTSTART:20220807T230000Z LOCATION:Snow Valley\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Snow Valley 08 August - 12 August UID:c5e48102-299f-47f2-9c1d-51dc37bc5c26 URL: -august END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# **FIS Slalom Training Camp at Snow Valley in Belgium** #\n\n ## Monday 11th September to Friday 16th September 2022 ##\n\nA great oppo rtunity to keep your on snow training going during the between the end of summer and before glacier training in October. At least 8 sessions of qu ick turnaround slalom training\, full board accommodation\, fitness sessi ons\, and activities. Outlier option also available. \n\n{FileButton120}\ n\nCost for 4 nights full board accommodation and 8 sessions of training £850\n\nTravel arrangements to be confirmed nearer the time. \n\nTo secur e your place on this camp please pay a deposit of £250 using the online p ayment facility (fully refundable if we cancel the camp). Once you have p aid the deposit\, BSA admin will be in touch to complete the registration process and confirm your booking. \n\nThe balance of the camp payment to be paid 6 weeks before departure.\n\n{FileButton120} \n\n{FileButton115} \n\n{FileButton116} \n\n{FileButton52} DTEND:20220811T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220810T230000Z DTSTART:20220810T230000Z LOCATION:Snow Valley\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:FIS Snow Valley Camp 11 - 16 Sept. UID:13df462e-99b9-4ef6-8cd0-bd29354ebd31 URL: 16-sept END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Chill Factore\n\n\n£15 DTEND:20220813T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220812T230000Z DTSTART:20220812T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:13th August Race Support at Chill Factore UID:06462692-1a78-47fa-9c0f-ec6cb879e291 URL: -at-chill-factore-1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Chill Factore\n\n\n£15 DTEND:20220813T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220812T230000Z DTSTART:20220812T230000Z LOCATION:Chill Factore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:14th August Race Support at Chill Factore UID:c4b9be39-11d0-41cf-b660-59c4f47baafa URL: -at-chill-factore END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 5 day Race Training Camp at Norfolk Ski Centre #\n\n0930-160 0 Monday - Friday \n\nA perfect opportunity for a solid\, high quality\, block of training directly before the All England Championships.\n\n** Te chnical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditi oning * **\n\n**Course fee £400**\n\nMaximum 35 participants\n\nFull deta ils\, including any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the email address provided upon booking. \n\nI f you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n** Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Norfolk Camp**:\n\n- If BSA are for ced to cancel the event because of circumstances beyond its control\, a r efund to the value of the entry fee\, minus costs incurred by BSA\, will be made. \n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\ , losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a r esult of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much noti ce as possible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our con trol and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Informatio n regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign- up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cann ot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incor rect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@b .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before th e event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 5% ad ministration charge. DTEND:20220825T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220821T230000Z DTSTART:20220821T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk 5 Day camp 2022 UID:16937955-379a-49ff-a359-5b9d83cf72c0 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 5 day Race Training Camp at Norfolk Ski Centre #\n\n0930-160 0 Monday - Friday \n\nA perfect opportunity for a solid\, high quality\, block of training directly before the All England Championships.\n\n** Te chnical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditi oning * **\n\n**5 day Course fee £400** \n\n**Monday only £80**\n\nMaximu m 35 participants\n\nFull details\, including any safety precautions/rest rictions and information will be emailed out directly to the email addres s provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email **i**\n\n**Cancellation Terms and Conditions for Norfo lk Camp**:\n\n- If BSA are forced to cancel the event because of circumst ances beyond its control\, a refund to the value of the entry fee\, minus costs incurred by BSA\, will be made. \n- The British Ski Academy will n ot be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp f ee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort wil l be made to give as much notice as possible if we need to cancel but thi s is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible f or late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the e mail address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct a s The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is no t received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to canc el your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy adminis tration email address : .\n- No refunds will be g iven if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations ma de more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 5% administration charge. DTEND:20220822T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220821T230000Z DTSTART:20220821T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk Monday 22/08 Only UID:9e1ec361-0a9f-4b4a-b1d0-665a5d276076 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 5 day Race Training Camp at Norfolk Ski Centre #\n\nRunning 0930-1600 Monday - Friday \n\nA perfect opportunity for a solid\, high qu ality\, block of training directly before the All England Championships.\ n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n\n\n**Wednesday only £80**\n\n\n\nFull details\, in cluding any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be email ed out directly to the email address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you ha ve any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancella tion Terms and Conditions for Norfolk Camp**:\n\n- If BSA are forced to c ancel the event because of circumstances beyond its control\, a refund to the value of the entry fee\, minus costs incurred by BSA\, will be made. \n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as po ssible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regard ing the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Plea se make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be he ld responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect ema il address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiac .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less bef ore the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 5% administra tion charge. DTEND:20220823T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220821T230000Z DTSTART:20220821T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk Wednesday 24/08 Only UID:090ceef7-5bc2-4156-bcc7-a7d8c8a41c79 URL: only END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 5 day Race Training Camp at Norfolk Ski Centre #\n\nRunning 0930-1600 Monday - Friday \n\nA perfect opportunity for a solid\, high qu ality\, block of training directly before the All England Championships.\ n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n\n\n**Thursday only £80**\n\n\n\nFull details\, inc luding any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emaile d out directly to the email address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you hav e any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellat ion Terms and Conditions for Norfolk Camp**:\n\n- If BSA are forced to ca ncel the event because of circumstances beyond its control\, a refund to the value of the entry fee\, minus costs incurred by BSA\, will be made. \n- The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of cancellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as pos sible if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regardi ng the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Pleas e make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be hel d responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect emai l address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiaca .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less befo re the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event w ill receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 5% administrat ion charge. DTEND:20220824T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220821T230000Z DTSTART:20220821T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk Thursday 25/08 Only UID:ea694683-8120-4168-9492-8e96be1c4cd6 URL: nly END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:# 5 day Race Training Camp at Norfolk Ski Centre #\n\nRunning 0930-1600 Monday - Friday \n\nA perfect opportunity for a solid\, high qu ality\, block of training directly before the All England Championships.\ n\n** Technical and gate training * Video analysis * Ski tuning * Games & Conditioning * **\n\n\n\n**Friday only £90**\n\n\n\nFull details\, inclu ding any safety precautions/restrictions and information will be emailed out directly to the email address provided upon booking. \n\nIf you have any questions\, please email ****\n\n**Cancellatio n Terms and Conditions for Norfolk Camp**:\n\n- If BSA are forced to canc el the event because of circumstances beyond its control\, a refund to th e value of the entry fee\, minus costs incurred by BSA\, will be made. \n - The British Ski Academy will not be liable for fees\, costs\, losses or charges\, outside of the camp fee\, that you may incur as a result of ca ncellation. \n- Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possi ble if we need to cancel but this is not always within our control and so we cannot be held responsible for late notice. \n- Information regarding the event will be sent to the email address provided on sign-up. Please make sure that this is correct as The British Ski Academy cannot be held responsible if information is not received because of an incorrect email address. \n- If you wish to cancel your entry\, notice must be emailed to The British Ski Academy administration email address : info@britskiacad. .\n- No refunds will be given if you cancel 28 days or less before the event. \n- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event wil l receive a refund equivalent to the full camp fee minus 5% administratio n charge. DTEND:20220825T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220821T230000Z DTSTART:20220821T230000Z LOCATION:Norfolk Ski Centre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Norfolk Friday 26/08 Only UID:a4e31704-101c-470c-a7eb-fa70dd015526 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Chatham\n\n£15 DTEND:20220827T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220826T230000Z DTSTART:20220826T230000Z LOCATION:Chatham SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:27th August Race Support at Chatham UID:baa96016-2810-496f-84ee-0ee936f012ff URL: -at-chatham END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Hillend\n\n£15 DTEND:20220628T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220902T230000Z DTSTART:20220902T230000Z LOCATION:Hillend SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:3rd September Race Support at Hillend UID:069bc8ad-98a9-4b01-94fa-205ae694cfc4 URL: rt-at-hillend END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Llandudno \n\n {FileButton137}\n\n\n\n£15 DTEND:20220910T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220909T230000Z DTSTART:20220909T230000Z LOCATION:Hillend SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:10th September Race Support at Llandudno UID:95629402-21ed-4441-909a-27c59c715b9c URL: ort-at-llandudno END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Llandudno \n\n {FileButton137}\n\n£15 DTEND:20220911T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220910T230000Z DTSTART:20220910T230000Z LOCATION:Hillend SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:11th September Race Support at Llandudno UID:fe6b1997-24e9-4554-8662-263cbaa267b5 URL: ort-at-llandudno END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Race Support at Llandudno \n\n {FileButton137}\n\n£15 DTEND:20220929T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220926T230000Z DTSTART:20220926T230000Z LOCATION:Hillend SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Test Event UID:5880200e-06a5-4bde-a261-d1d5c8228d9a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The British Ski Academy will again host the Anglo Scottish Cha mpionships in PILA\, Italy. Bairns (U10/U12) will have a slalom\, a giant slalom and a SG (Open GS). The U14/U16/U18's will have Slalom\, GS and S uper G races\, to count for national seedpoints (BASS). \nPrizes will be awarded for each day’s events and medals awarded to the top 3 places for girls and boys in all categories from U10 – U18\nPila is a family friendl y resort with an excellent record in hosting international ski races. Acc ommodation in resort is limited but there is easy uplift via the City of Aosta gondola at the base of the mountain. Please click on the link below for the full invitation document\n\n\n {FileButton143}\n\n{FileLink143} DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230111 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20230109 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230109 LOCATION:Pila\, Aosta\, IT SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Scottish Championships 2023 UID:bfbc3348-1820-4215-aefa-65948ffaf1a3 URL: hips-2023 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The British Ski Academy will again host the Interschools Ski C hampionships in PILA\, Italy. Pila is a family friendly resort with an ex cellent record in hosting international ski races. Accommodation in resor t is limited but there is easy uplift via the City of Aosta gondola at th e base of the mountain. \n\nInterschools Ski Championships:\nGS - 13/03/2 023\nSlalom - 14/03/2023\n\nBSA BASS Championships:\nSlalom - 15/03/2023 \nGS - 16/03/2023\n\nIF YOU ARE WANTING TO ENTER ALL 4 DAYS OF RACES **PL EASE** ENTER THE COMBINED EVENT TO GET YOUR DISCOUNT.\n\n\nPlease click o n the link below for the full invitation document\n\n{FileButton146} DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230314 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20230313 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230313 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interschool Ski Championships 2023 UID:5f88e134-5563-49f8-8b15-50c22b0b2883 URL: ships-2023 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Discounted combined entry for entering both the Interschools S ki Championship & the BSA BASS Championships 2023\n\nPlease see individua l event pages to find out more information regarding both Events. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230316 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20230313 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230313 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:COMBINED ENTRY - BSA BASS Championships & Interschool Ski Champion ships 2023 UID:6587dc2c-f916-4d70-9ba4-f5b47aecc675 URL: championships-and-interschool-ski-championships-2023 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The British Ski Academy will again host the BSA BASS Champions hips in PILA\, Italy. Pila is a family friendly resort with an excellent record in hosting international ski races. Accommodation in resort is lim ited but there is easy uplift via the City of Aosta gondola at the base o f the mountain. \n\nInterschools Ski Championships:\nGS - 13/03/2023\nSla lom - 14/03/2023\n\nBSA BASS Championships:\nSlalom - 15/03/2023 \nGS - 1 6/03/2023\n\nIF YOU ARE WANTING TO ENTER ALL 4 DAYS OF RACES **PLEASE** E NTER THE COMBINED EVENT TO GET YOUR DISCOUNT.\n\n\nPlease click on the li nk below for the full invitation document\n\n{FileButton146} DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230316 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20230315 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230315 LOCATION:Pila\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BSA BASS Championships 2023 UID:c441c512-f2a5-46ee-9843-36c8cd003254 URL: 023 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**Anglo Scottish Championships 2024**\n\n**5-7 January 2024**\ n\nThe British Ski Academy will host the Anglo Scottish Championships in CHAMPÉRY\, SWITZERLAND\n\n**Team Captains’ Meetings**\n\nThe first TCM wi ll take place at 1800 on 4th January 2024 via Zoom.\nBibs will be availab le at the finish area of each day’s event. Race bibs for all events will be \ncollected at the end of the second run in the finish area. Bibs not returned after the race will \nresult in a £80 penalty to the guardian of the athlete.\nAs soon as possible after each day’s racing we will hold t he TCM inside the Portes du Soleil\nRestaurant. After Sunday’s race we wi ll hold an award ceremony outside the restaurant.\n\n**Race Entry Details **\n\nAll British competitors must either be registered with their respec tive Home Nation \n(Snowsport Scotland\, England or Wales) or have a waiv er signed by a parent/guardian.\nAll competitors must have a current insu rance policy that covers them for ski racing. The \nOrganising Committee may require proof of insurance such as a valid governing body race \nlice nce or an independent certificate of insurance. No insurance = No Racing\ nAll entries should be made via the official online entry system on \nwww\nFees = £60 per day\nAn Entry List will be pub lished on Bulletins and Zoom links will be circulated \nvi a GBSki\, BSA social media pages and\, from 3\nrd January\, an event What sApp group.\nOnline entries will close on 20.12.2023\n\n**Refunds**\n\nIn the case of withdrawal from any event due to injury (prior to the champi onships) refunds \nwill be available on production of a doctor’s letter. Refunds will not be available for adverse \nweather or snow conditions th at result in the cancellation of races. The organisers & hill \nteam will do their upmost to ensure that all of the races are run in full.\n\n**Vo lunteers and Support**\n\nWhilst we have a team travelling from the UK fo r the race\, we do require additional help to \nrun the races smoothly. T he resort provide gatekeepers so we only require a handful of \nparents t o help with roles such as finish board and marshalling. \nPlease email: m\nCatsuits for U10/U12 if the weather is fine\nT he TCM will consider the weather forecast each day and decide whether or not to allow \nthe U10/U12s to compete in catsuits. Be prepared. If the w eather turns foul\, Mini racers \narriving at the start in catsuits will not be permitted to leave the gate.\nRacers are reminded that helmets for giant slalom must conform to GB rules\, i.e. no soft \nsides\, soft vent s\, and remove slalom chin guard.\n\n**Conduct**\n\nThe resort have asked that competitors ski in a safe manner on the public pistes\, or with due \nregard for the safety and enjoyment of other hill users. In particular please slow down well \nbefore joining the lift queue. Racers caught ski ing dangerously may be excluded from the \nraces. \nKeep ski-passes with you. No ticket\, no lift.\nAnd finally\, please\, no littering.\n\n**Inte rschools & BSA Champs Organising Team**\n\n- Malcolm Erskine – Chief of C hamps\n- Deb Manns – Chief of Calcs\n- David Manns – Chief of Race\n- Ada m Hay – Race Secretary\n- GB technical delegate/s – to be advised\n- Othe rs – TBC \n\n**Race Office**\n \nThe race office will be located at the B SA base in Les Crosets. For those not attending the \nTCMs\, any question s not answered in the bulletins should be addressed to Malcolm Erskine\nt el: + 44 (0) 7970495533 (WhatsApp preferred)\ DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240107 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20240105 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240105 LOCATION:CHAMPÉRY\, SWITZERLAND SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Anglo Scottish Cup 2024 UID:20c8dae5-d8a3-4a8a-bb21-a97db5ceeaf4 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**32nd BRITISH INTERSCHOOL SKI CHALLENGE**\n\n**11-12 March 20 24**\n\nThe British Ski Academy will host the 32nd BRITISH INTERSCHOOL SK I CHALLENGE in CHAMPÉRY\, SWITZERLAND\n\n**Team Captains’ Meetings**\n\nT he first TCM will take place at 1800 on 10th March 2024 via Zoom.\nBibs w ill be available at the finish area of each day’s event. Race bibs for al l events will be \ncollected at the end of the second run in the finish a rea. Bibs not returned after the race will \nresult in a £80 penalty to t he guardian of the athlete.\nAs soon as possible after each day’s racing we will hold the TCM inside the Portes du Soleil\nRestaurant. After Tuesd ay’s and Thursday’s races we will hold an award ceremony outside \nthe re staurant for the British Interschoools and BSA Champs respectively.\n\n** Race Entry Details**\n\nAll British competitors must either be registered with their respective Home Nation \n(Snowsport Scotland\, England or Wal es) or have a waiver signed by a parent/guardian.\nAll competitors must h ave a current insurance policy that covers them for ski racing. The \nOrg anising Committee may require proof of insurance such as a valid governin g body race \nlicence or an independent certificate of insurance. No insu rance = No Racing\nAll entries should be made via the official online ent ry system on \\nFees = £60 per day / £200 f or all four days. \nAn Entry List will be published on Bul letins and Zoom links will be circulated \nvia GBSki\, BSA social media p ages and\, from 8 March\, an event WhatsApp group.\n\n***Online entry now extended to 02.03.2024***\n\n**Refunds**\n\nIn the case of withdrawal fr om any event due to injury (prior to the championships) refunds \nwill be available on production of a doctor’s letter. Refunds will not be availa ble for adverse \nweather or snow conditions that result in the cancellat ion of races. The organisers & hill \nteam will do their upmost to ensure that all of the races are run in full.\n\n**Volunteers and Support**\n\n Whilst we have a team travelling from the UK for the race\, we do require additional help to \nrun the races smoothly. The resort provide gatekeep ers so we only require a handful of \nparents to help with roles such as finish board and marshalling. \nPlease email:\ n\n**Catsuits for U10/U12 if the weather is fine**\n\nThe TCM will consid er the weather forecast each day and decide whether or not to allow \nthe U10/U12s to compete in catsuits. Be prepared. If the weather turns foul\ , Mini racers \narriving at the start in catsuits will not be permitted t o leave the gate.\nRacers are reminded that helmets for giant slalom must conform to GB rules\, i.e. no soft \nsides\, soft vents\, and remove sla lom chin guard.\n\n**Conduct**\n\nThe resort have asked that competitors ski in a safe manner on the public pistes\, or with due \nregard for the safety and enjoyment of other hill users. In particular please slow down well \nbefore joining the lift queue. Racers caught skiing dangerously ma y be excluded from the \nraces. \nKeep ski-passes with you. No ticket\, n o lift.\nAnd finally\, please\, no littering.\n\n**Interschools & BSA Cha mps Organising Team**\n\n- Malcolm Erskine – Chief of Champs\n- Deb Manns – Chief of Calcs\n- David Manns – Chief of Race\n- Adam Hay – Race Secre tary\n- GB technical delegate/s – to be advised\n- Others – TBC \n\n**Rac e Office**\n\nThe race office will be located at the BSA base in Les Cros ets. For those not attending the \nTCMs\, any questions not answered in t he bulletins should be addressed to Malcolm Erskine\n\ntel: + 44 (0) 7970 495533 (WhatsApp preferred)\n\ DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240312 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20240311 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240311 LOCATION:CHAMPÉRY\, SWITZERLAND SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:32nd BRITISH INTERSCHOOL SKI CHALLENGE UID:f4499b0c-8e2c-4f15-8878-93527bf0be7b URL: -ski-challenge END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**BRITISH SKI ACADEMY CHAMPIONSHIPS**\n\n**13-14 March 2024**\ n\nThe British Ski Academy will host the BRITISH SKI ACADEMY CHAMPIONSHIP S in CHAMPÉRY\, SWITZERLAND\n\n**Team Captains’ Meetings**\n\nThe first T CM will take place at 1800 on 10th March 2024 via Zoom.\nBibs will be ava ilable at the finish area of each day’s event. Race bibs for all events w ill be \ncollected at the end of the second run in the finish area. Bibs not returned after the race will \nresult in a £80 penalty to the guardia n of the athlete.\nAs soon as possible after each day’s racing we will ho ld the TCM inside the Portes du Soleil\nRestaurant. After Tuesday’s and T hursday’s races we will hold an award ceremony outside \nthe restaurant f or the British Interschoools and BSA Champs respectively.\n\n**Race Entry Details**\n\nAll British competitors must either be registered with thei r respective Home Nation \n(Snowsport Scotland\, England or Wales) or hav e a waiver signed by a parent/guardian.\nAll competitors must have a curr ent insurance policy that covers them for ski racing. The \nOrganising Co mmittee may require proof of insurance such as a valid governing body rac e \nlicence or an independent certificate of insurance. No insurance = No Racing\nAll entries should be made via the official online entry system on \\nFees = £60 per day / £200 for all fou r days. \nAn Entry List will be published on Bulletins and Zoom links will be circulated \nvia GBSki\, BSA social media pages and\, from 8 March\, an event WhatsApp group.\n\n***Online entry now extended to 02.03.2024***\n\n**Refunds**\n\nIn the case of withdrawal from any eve nt due to injury (prior to the championships) refunds \nwill be available on production of a doctor’s letter. Refunds will not be available for ad verse \nweather or snow conditions that result in the cancellation of rac es. The organisers & hill \nteam will do their upmost to ensure that all of the races are run in full.\n\n**Volunteers and Support**\n\nWhilst we have a team travelling from the UK for the race\, we do require additiona l help to \nrun the races smoothly. The resort provide gatekeepers so we only require a handful of \nparents to help with roles such as finish boa rd and marshalling. \nPlease email:\n\n**Catsu its for U10/U12 if the weather is fine**\n\nThe TCM will consider the wea ther forecast each day and decide whether or not to allow \nthe U10/U12s to compete in catsuits. Be prepared. If the weather turns foul\, Mini rac ers \narriving at the start in catsuits will not be permitted to leave th e gate.\nRacers are reminded that helmets for giant slalom must conform t o GB rules\, i.e. no soft \nsides\, soft vents\, and remove slalom chin g uard.\n\n**Conduct**\n\nThe resort have asked that competitors ski in a s afe manner on the public pistes\, or with due \nregard for the safety and enjoyment of other hill users. In particular please slow down well \nbef ore joining the lift queue. Racers caught skiing dangerously may be exclu ded from the \nraces. \nKeep ski-passes with you. No ticket\, no lift.\nA nd finally\, please\, no littering.\n\n**Interschools & BSA Champs Organi sing Team**\n\n- Malcolm Erskine – Chief of Champs\n- Deb Manns – Chief o f Calcs\n- David Manns – Chief of Race\n- Adam Hay – Race Secretary\n- GB technical delegate/s – to be advised\n- Others – TBC \n\n**Race Office** \n\nThe race office will be located at the BSA base in Les Crosets. For t hose not attending the \nTCMs\, any questions not answered in the bulleti ns should be addressed to Malcolm Erskine\n\ntel: + 44 (0) 7970495533 (Wh atsApp preferred)\n\ DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240314 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20240313 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240313 LOCATION:CHAMPÉRY\, SWITZERLAND SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:BRITISH SKI ACADEMY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 UID:83ed5207-1184-4bf3-ab31-6c258277f7bf URL: pionships-2024 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**BASS British National Seedpoint Races (qualifying event for GBR Children's ski team selection).**\n\nOne giant slalom.\nTwo slaloms.\ nNew venue in the world class resort of Verbier.\n\nRace piste: La Tzouma z/Savoleyres\n\n\n**Team Captains’ Meetings**\n\nThe first TCM will take place at 1800 on 2nd January 2025 via Zoom.\nBibs will be available at th e finish area of each day’s event. Race bibs for all events will be \ncol lected at the end of the second run in the finish area. Bibs not returned after the race will \nresult in a £80 penalty to the guardian of the ath lete.\nAs soon as possible after each day’s racing we will hold the next day's TCM inside the restaurant at the top of Savoleyres. After Saturday’ s and Sunday’s races we will hold an award ceremony outside \nthe restaur ant. Nearer the time w will set up a WhatsApp group for contact between t eams and organisers.\n\n**Race Entry Details**\n\nAll British competitors must either be registered with their respective Home Nation \n(Snowsport Scotland\, England or Wales) or have a waiver signed by a parent/guardia n.\nAll competitors must have a current insurance policy that covers them for ski racing. The \nOrganising Committee may require proof of insuranc e such as a valid governing body race \nlicence or an independent certifi cate of insurance. No insurance = No Racing\nAll entries should be made v ia the official online entry system on \\n\ n***Online entry will be open until 20.12.2024***\n\nRace Fees = £60 per day \n\nAfter 20.12.2024 late entries will be considered and an extra fee may apply. \n\nAn Entry List will be published on Bulleti ns and Zoom links will be circulated \nvia GBSki\, BSA social media pages \, and WhatsApp.\n\n**Refunds**\n\nIn the case of withdrawal from any eve nt due to injury (prior to the championships) refunds \nwill be available on production of a doctor’s letter. Refunds will not be available for ad verse \nweather or snow conditions that result in the cancellation of rac es. The organisers & hill \nteam will do their upmost to ensure that all of the races are run in full.\n\n**Volunteers and Support**\n\nWhilst we have a team travelling from the UK for the race\, we do require additiona l help to \nrun the races smoothly. The resort provide gatekeepers so we only require a handful of \nparents to help with roles such as finish boa rd and marshalling. \nPlease email:\n\n**Catsu its for U10/U12 if the weather is fine**\n\nThe TCM will consider the wea ther forecast each day and decide whether or not to allow \nthe U10/U12s to compete in catsuits. Be prepared. If the weather turns foul\, Mini rac ers \narriving at the start in catsuits will not be permitted to leave th e gate.\nRacers are reminded that helmets for giant slalom must conform t o GB rules\, i.e. no soft \nsides\, soft vents\, and remove slalom chin g uard.\n\n**Ski Passes**\n\nLA TZOUMAZ/SAVOLEYRES passes for 01 through 05 January will be available for purchase through the organisers. \n\nThis covers a big area between Verbier and La Tzoumaz but not all of the resor t. Booking information to follow. \n\nInfant pass (2010-2017)\, approx £2 0 per day\n\nJunior pass (2000-2009)\, approx £30 per day\n\nAdult pass ( 1948-1999)\, approx £40 per day\n\n\n**Great value accommodation**\n\nThe re are some excellent deals for accommodation in the valley from hostels to hotels for families or groups. \n\nIf you'd like to receive an info-sh eet please email:\n\n\n**Training Access**\n\nDe tails to follow but we anticipate offering race-hill gate-training on 01 and 02 January. \nBSA training - race course access only £20\; gate train ing and coaching for the day £80.\n\nAccess to other Race Teams at a rate of £150 per lane per session (3 hours). \nBSA to co-ordinate schedule an d lane sharing where necessary.\n\n**Parents time trial**\n\nJust for fun \, if time allows after the Mini Giant Slalom we will offer one timed run to parents of U10/U12 racers. Details nearer the time but we anticipate Parent & Child Team medals based on aggregate run times.\n\n**Conduct**\n \nThe resort have asked that competitors ski in a safe manner on the publ ic pistes\, or with due \nregard for the safety and enjoyment of other hi ll users. In particular please slow down well \nbefore joining lift queue s. Racers caught skiing dangerously may be excluded from the \nraces. \nK eep ski-passes with you. No ticket\, no lift.\nAnd finally\, please\, let 's keep Verbier beautiful -- no littering!\n\n**Anglo Scottish Champs Org anising Team**\n\n- Malcolm Erskine – Chief of Champs\n- Deb Manns – Chie f of Calcs\n- David Manns – Chief of Race\n- Helen Gore – Race Secretary\ n- GB technical delegate/s – to be advised\n- Others – TBC \n\nFor those not attending the TCMs\, any questions not answered in the bulletins shou ld be addressed to Malcolm Erskine\n\ntel: + 44 (0) 7970495533 (WhatsApp preferred)\n\\n\n{ImageMiddleSmall501} DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250105 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20250103 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250103 LOCATION:VERBIER (SUI) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:ANGLO SCOTTISH CHAMPIONSHIPS 2025 UID:f0d8526f-7fdc-4262-9f92-fec76e28b67c URL: hips-2025 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:**33rd BRITISH INTERSCHOOL SKI CHAMPS\, Slalom & GS**\n\n**10- 11 March 2025**\n\n\n**BSA CHAMPS\, Slalom & GS**\n\n**12-13 March 2025** \n\nThis season the British Ski Academy is proud to host the 33rd BRITISH INTERSCHOOL SKI CHALLENGE and BSA CHAMPS in the world class resort of VE RBIER\, SWITZERLAND\n\n\nRace piste: La Tzoumaz/Savoleyre\n\n\n**Team Cap tains’ Meetings**\n\nThe first TCM will take place at 1800 on 9th March 2 025 via Zoom.\nBibs will be available at the finish area of each day’s ev ent. Race bibs for all events will be \ncollected at the end of the secon d run in the finish area. Bibs not returned after the race will \nresult in an £80 penalty to the guardian of the athlete.\n\nAs soon as possible after each day’s racing we will hold the TCM inside the Restaurant de Sav oleyre. Award ceremonies for the British Interschools and the BSA Champs will be held outside the restaurant after Tuesday’s and Thursday’s races. \n\n**Race Entry Details**\n\nAll British competitors must either be regi stered with their respective Home Nation \n(Snowsport Scotland\, England or Wales) or have a waiver signed by a parent/guardian.\nAll competitors must have a current insurance policy that covers them for ski racing. The \nOrganising Committee may require proof of insurance such as a valid go verning body race \nlicence or an independent certificate of insurance. N o insurance = No Racing\nAll entries should be made via the official onli ne entry system on \\nFees = £120 for Inter schools (2 days) and £120 for BSA Champs (2 days). \nAn Entry List will b e published on Bulletins and Zoom links will be circulated \nvia GBSki\, BSA social media pages and\, from 6 March\, an event Whats App group.\n\n**Ski Passes**\n\nLA TZOUMAZ/SAVOLEYRES passes for 08 throu gh 13 January will be available for purchase through the organisers. \n\n This covers a big area between Verbier and La Tzoumaz but not *all* of th e resort. Booking information to follow in early October. \n\nInfant pass (2010-2017)\, approx £20 per day\n\nJunior pass (2000-2009)\, approx £30 per day\n\nAdult pass (1948-1999)\, approx £35 per day\n\n\n**Refunds**\ n\nIn the case of withdrawal from any event due to injury (prior to the c hampionships) refunds \nwill be available on production of a doctor’s let ter. Refunds will not be available for adverse \nweather or snow conditio ns that result in the cancellation of races. The organisers & hill \nteam will do their utmost to ensure that all of the races are run in full.\n\ n**Volunteers and Support**\n\nWhilst we have a team travelling from the UK for the race\, we do require additional help to \nrun the races smooth ly. The resort provide gatekeepers so we only require a handful of \npare nts to help with roles such as finish board and marshalling. \nPlease ema il:\n\n**Catsuits for U10/U12 if the weather i s fine**\n\nThe TCM will consider the weather forecast each day and decid e whether or not to allow \nthe U10/U12s to compete in catsuits. Be prepa red. If the weather turns foul\, Mini racers \narriving at the start in c atsuits will not be permitted to leave the gate.\nRacers are reminded tha t helmets for giant slalom must conform to GB rules\, i.e. no soft \nside s\, soft vents\, and remove slalom chin guard.\n\n**Parents time trial**\ n\nJust for fun\, if time allows after Monday's Mini Giant Slalom we will offer a free timed run to parents of U10/U12 racers. Details nearer the time but we anticipate Parent & Child Team medals based on aggregate run times.\n\n**Conduct**\n\nThe resort have asked that competitors ski in a safe manner on the public pistes\, or with due \nregard for the safety an d enjoyment of other hill users. In particular please slow down well \nbe fore joining the lift queue. Racers caught skiing dangerously may be excl uded from the \nraces. \nKeep ski-passes with you. No ticket\, no lift.\n And finally\, please\, let's keep Verbier beautiful -- no littering!\n\n\ n**British Interschools & BSA Champs Organising Team**\n\n- Malcolm Erski ne – Chief of Champs\n- Deb Manns – Chief of Calcs\n- David Manns – Chief of Race\n- Helen Gore – Race Secretary\n- GB technical delegate/s – to b e advised\n- Others – TBC \n\n**Race Office**\n\nFor those not attending the TCMs\, any questions not answered in the bulletins should be addresse d to Malcolm Erskine\n\ntel: + 44 (0) 7970495533 (WhatsApp preferred)\n\n\n\n{ImageMiddleSmall501}\n______\n\n\n**OFFICI AL TRAVEL PARTNER**\n\n**Mabels Travel**\n\nMabels Travel offer comprehen sive packages tailored to meet each family's requirements. All their pack ages are ATOL protected and include the following:\n\n● Direct flights fr om London to Geneva\,\n\n● Accommodation for 6 nights from Friday\, 7th M arch to Thursday\, 13th March\,\n\n● Shared transfers to Verbier\,\n\n● S ki hire for 6 days\,\n\n● Lift passes for 6 days.\n\nContact: Info@mabels\n\nor call Andrew MacFarlane 07812 200968\n\n{ImageMedium497}\ n______\n\n**Great value accommodation**\n\nThere are also some excellent deals for accommodation in the valley from hostels to hotels for all gro up sizes. \n\nIf you'd like to receive an info-sheet please email: helen@ DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250313 DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE:20250310 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250310 LOCATION:VERBIER (SUI) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:33rd BRITISH INTERSCHOOL SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS 2025 UID:aa27b58c-6420-46eb-b14d-3a666eef9a75 URL: -ski-championships-2025 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR